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Virtualised vehicle tests in a controlled environment

Self-driving vehicles of the future will require testing and verification of functionality and safety on a much larger scale. As the level of automation in these types of vehicles increases, the need for drivers to interact in various types of traffic situations will decrease. The vehicle’s own systems will then determine what happens in a particular scenario and accordingly, they will be responsible for the safety of the driver, passengers and others who are involved. RISE and AstaZero has the ability to test digitized real-world scenarios in a controlled environment.

Today’s cars are increasingly reliant on software, which is sometimes supported by AI. It is important that these systems function as intended and are reliable. And this puts new requirements on the ways that they are tested and verified. The more scenarios where the vehicle itself has to make the decisions, the more difficult and time-consuming it will be to carry out the tests in a physical environment.

RISE and AstaZero are now linking up the AstaZero and AWITAR testbeds, making it possible to do even more testing and run scenarios that are even more complex in a digital environment. In a controlled environment, we are able to recreate the desired sensor stimuli for:

  • Vehicle speed
  • GPS position
  • Camera input
  • Radar

We coordinate all of this sensor stimuli using MAESTRO, which is our test control system. It enables the vehicle to perceive its surroundings in a reliable and accurate way. 

As more and more vehicles become part of an automated, connected transport system, they will need to be tested at the system level. By linking testbeds together in a cohesive chain, RISE and AstaZero are able to offer more efficient testing.

Together, we can create a safer future for everyone who takes to the road. 

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Greger Rognelund


+46 10 516 61 62

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