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High-pressure platform - flexible equipment for termic conversion

The high-pressure platform enables conversion of various renewable feedstock into both green fuels and bio-based chemicals. The facility has batch and flow reactors that can handle various types of feed at small and medium scales. RISE also offers extensive expertise in the analysis and characterization of biofuels and biochemicals.

The demand for bio-based chemicals, fuels, and raw materials is continuously increasing, and RISE offers both biocatalysis and thermochemical conversion of biomass into new products. The high-pressure platform in Södertälje is very flexible and can be used for both classic flow chemistry and hydrotreatment of various types of pretreated biomass at high pressure and temperature. 

The flagship facility is the MiniRefine, a custom-built flow reactor that can run continuously for up to three weeks, enabling high-level feasibility studies. The facility also includes another flow reactor and several batch reactors ranging from 10 mL up to 8 L. 

Expertise within analysis and characterization

Beside the infrastructure, charachterisation is highly important part of RISE offering. Our analytical chemists have developed a broad and deep knowledge within the area characterizing chemicals and fuels based on new feedstock that do not fit into the old standards developed by the petroleum industry. 

What equipment constitutes the high-pressure platform?

  • Minirefine - flow reactor built by Amtech
  • Flow reactor from Parr
  • A broad range of high-pressure reactors from Parr and Buchi
  • Screening reaktors (Argonaut, Multi Parr)
  • Equipment for processing raw materials and product via unit operations such as crystallisation, destillation, separation et cetera

Watch video: Minirefine


Test & Demo name

High-pressure platform




Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Energy and Clean Tech, Manufacturing, Materials, Process industry


Bioeconomy, Biorefinery, Circular transition, Fossil free fuels, Climate neutral industry, Chemical processes and products, Chemical and biological analysis, Production and manufacturing

Strategic innovation program



Region Stockholm


Forskargatan 18, Södertälje

Gudrun Bergman

Contact person

Gudrun Bergman


+46 10 516 65 15

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Martin Hedberg

Contact person

Martin Hedberg


+46 10 516 65 13

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