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Life at RISE

<p>Over 3,000 employees work together at RISE, to ensure business competitiveness and contribute to a sustainable society.</p>

Our work for a better future

Choose an active role in the work for a better future. At RISE, you are part of our mission and work to ensure business competitiveness and contribute to a sustainable society. Through close cooperation with both industry, academia and the public sector, we focus on solutions that make a real difference. This gives you the opportunity to see the effect of your work here and now, while you and your colleagues collaborate on solutions to the major societal challenges of tomorrow.

Researcher, technician, project manager or something completely different?

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Our differences are our strength

Our common mission unites us, but otherwise we are quite different. Our unique breadth of skills, people, assignments, projects and customers sets us – and others – up for success in a complex world. It also makes RISE a challenging and varied workplace, with good opportunities for development – no matter your field, professional role or where you are in life.

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Our culture as an enabler

To succeed in our mission, we must constantly develop our way of working. By nurturing and honing our culture, we create a workplace where we thrive, feel a sense of belonging, strengthen our innovativeness and become even better together. At RISE, we want to cultivate a culture characterised by:

  • Trust: We are open and honest with each other
  • Curiosity: We are creative, inclusive and brave
  • Collaboration: We build networks and help each other
  • Value creation: We start from the needs of customers and society


Hello Annette Anjou, SVP HR and Sustainability 

What would you say characterizes Life at RISE?

"Our joint mission is something we know engages and motivates our employees. Many mention the opportunity to make a real difference to business and society as one of the best advantages of working at RISE. The result from Randstad's list of Sweden's most attractive employers in 2024, showed that RISE ranks fourth directly after IKEA, Spotify and Volvo Group, which indicates that our mission also engages many people outside of RISE. 

The breadth of competent colleagues and various collaboration opportunities also characterizes Life at RISE. Here you are part of an enormous bank of knowledge where learning and inspiration, about your own and other people's areas of expertise, are a natural part of everyday life.”