Sustainability work
RISE's sustainability work is based on our mission and our strategy. We contribute to a sustainable future and solutions to societal challenges, and we strive to do this in a responsible manner.
RISE's main mission is to develop competitive solutions and conditions with our customers and partners that drive sustainable development forward. Whether it involves technology that contributes to solutions for the climate crisis, healthcare innovations that save lives today, or digitalization that enables the next generation's security and community services.
In addition, we deliver our services and conduct research in an environmentally, socially, and business-ethically sustainable manner. Our operations are always conducted on a scientific basis, and our independence is fundamental to ensure that we focus on long-term sustainable solutions and work methods—a success factor for a modern research institute.
The sustainability work is governed and monitored by the group's management, with delegated responsibility to different levels within the group. The work is made concrete through the group's sustainability-related goals, which are linked to RISE's mission and our aim to be a responsible employer and business partner and to create value for society at large.
Environmental and climate work
RISE has a broad field of expertise and assignments, with research and innovation related to, for example, natural resources and materials. Examples of areas important for our internal environmental efforts include waste management, chemical management, environmental aspects in our supply chain, RISE's climate impact, as well as efforts for energy efficiency.
To ensure that our climate goal are in line with with science, RISE has joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), by signing a commitment to a climate goal aligned with the emission reductions required by the global climate agreement, the Paris Agreement. The target was validated by SBTi in 2024.
RISE as an employer
We are several thousand passionate problem-solvers. Researchers, technicians, project managers, engineers, and other sharp minds with different expertise. And who want to contribute to a sustainable and competitive future. This is necessary when we, together with partners from academia, companies, and the public sector, take on some of the world's most important and toughest challenges. And it is not enough that we do the right things. We must also act in the right way.
A common set of values and principles for our approach to each other and RISE's stakeholders is an important aspect. We maintain and develop our work through a focus on leadership, education, and continuous learning.
Diversity, equality, and inclusion
RISE's operations are knowledge-intensive and depend on employees with various skills and experiences. Therefore, it is important for us to secure continuous competence development. Integrating perspectives of equality, inclusion, and diversity into our values, leadership, and internal processes is a prerequisite for a dynamic and attractive workplace where everyone's experiences and backgrounds are valued.
Read our inclusion policy and our Gender Equality Plan.
Work environment
We are convinced that a good work environment creates conditions for and promotes health, engagement, motivation, and innovation. At RISE, we work jointly to create a safe, pleasant, and health-promoting workplace where everyone feels secure, seen, included, and has the prerequisites to develop. Within RISE, systematic work environment efforts are conducted with a focus on both the physical environment as well as the organisational and social aspects.
Business responsibility
As an independent research institute and innovation partner, we conduct our business in a transparent manner that demonstrates integrity and high ethical standards.
For employees
As employees at RISE, we all have the mandate and are encouraged to take our own initiatives, make decisions, and collectively drive our operations forward. ur common code of conduct is a tool that helps us assess what is right in different situations and helps us act in a way that manages both legal and ethical challenges.
It outlines how we are expected to interact with our stakeholders, the outside world, and each other so that RISE becomes the collaboration partner and the employer that we wish for and that is required for us to carry out our mission.
Read our code of conduct for employees.
For suppliers
We have had a code of conduct for suppliers in place for several years.
The purpose of this is to contribute to sustainable development by setting sustainability-related criteria for our purchasing of products and services. In our code of conduct for suppliers, we specify our fundamental requirements regarding human rights, recognised anti-corruption principles, work conditions, environment, and business ethics. We expect our suppliers to apply the principles described in this code of conduct in their own business operations and to impose corresponding demands in their supplier chain.
Follow-up and auditing
RISE's sustainability reporting is prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and will comply with the EU directive CSRD and the associated framework ESRS from the reporting year 2025. For increased transparency and credibility, we at RISE have chosen to have the sustainability report externally audited for several years.
Read more about our Annual- and sustainability report amongst our Financial reports.
Leave feedback and alert us
If you notice deficiencies or wish to leave us feedback, we are grateful if you contact us. For complaints you may use our complaint handling process. If you want to alert us about anything you suspect violates legislation or guidelines, you can instead use our whistleblower service.