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Future-proof your business and strengthen your competitiveness

To meet the 1.5 °C goal of the Paris Agreement, the world is facing a major transition. Companies and organisations will need to adjust and revise their strategies, plans and business models in order to remain competitive. 

With a focus on a sustainable future, RISE’s experts analyse your existing strategies, plans or business models from both a technical perspective and a systems perspective. We identify opportunities as well as risks in your business and suggest new projects, new technologies or new collaborative partners in order to advance your business.

Committing to the forthcoming transition raises questions: What technology should we invest in? Who are our new collaborative partners? What skills are needed? What effect will new regulations have? How do we get started? RISE can help you to determine the way forward, shed light on the unknown, and future-proof your business.

With a focus on a sustainable future and your existing strategies, plans or business models as the starting point, our experts carry out analyses from both a technical perspective and from a systems perspective and identify opportunities and risks in your business. You choose which areas or issues should be prioritised in the analysis and the basis of the analysis – from an existing annual and sustainability report to separate workshops focusing on your priorities.

What do I get?

A typical analysis project as described above begins with a review of the areas you have selected for analysis. This is usually followed by a few workshops, culminating in SWOT analyses for each of the selected areas. The results are presented as a PPT report and in one or more seminars, which will serve as the starting point for the implementation of proposed measures in your organisation.

Each analysis project is unique and is based on your conditions and challenges. Depending on your business and the level of transition required, RISE will select relevant experts with solid experience in facilitating and implementing analysis projects according to a proven approach.

Independent expertise

RISE is an independent state research institute and has technology experts in fields such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, electrification, hydrogen and CCS, as well as experts in areas with a system perspective such as governance, innovation management, circular transition, and upskilling and reskilling. We give you an impartial second opinion and can suggest new projects, new technologies or new collaborative partners in order to advance your business.

With a broad base in research and innovation, a focus on application, and a long-term perspective, we can help you take advantage of the opportunities presented by the transition, increase your in-house expertise, and ensure that your business model and operations are profitable and competitive in the future.

Would you like to know more? Contact Andreas Johansson

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