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Carbon dioxide sinks

Concrete can react chemically with CO2 and form CaCO3 as a stable compound. Calculations of natural carbonation should be included in "Climate declarations"  in order to get the holistic view on the effect of concrete on negative emissions.

New types of concrete with alternative binders lack validated data for CO2 capacity. The goal of the focus area Carbonation and Carbon dioxide sinks is to:

  • Develop a strategy for how natural carbonation can be used as CO2 sinks using innovative ideas in surface exposure of concrete in houses and infrastructure objects.
    • Calculations of natural carbonation should be included in Climate declarations.
    • Systematize measurement methods and calculations of carbonation capacity depending on concrete composition and exposure environment.
    • Develop strategies for carbonating carbon sinks with instructions for application.
    • Investigate the effects of carbonation of concrete waste.
    • Investigate carbonation of industrial alkaline by-products such as fly ash, bottom ash.
    • Investigate technical properties, capacity to sequester CO2, production and market potential of new concrete materials and products.
Katarina Malaga

Contact person

Katarina Malaga

Chef Strategisk forskning och affärsutveckling

+46 10 516 68 62

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