Christer Johansson
Senior Expert

Christer Johansson is a senior expert at RISE – Sensor systems. He received a M. Sc. in Physics at Umeå University in 1988 and a Ph. D. in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University in 1993 in the field of magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic liquids. During 1994 Christer worked with magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic resonance imaging at Nycomed Imaging in Oslo and from 1995 to 1998 he worked at Chalmers University on magnetic nanostructures, magnetic analysis and teaching. During 1998 and 2000 Christer worked at Ericsson Microwave systems with airborne radar systems and since 2000 Christer works at RISE with magnetism including magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic materials, magnetic analysis, magnetic modelling, AC susceptometry, magnetic sensor systems, impedance spectroscopy, magnetostrictive, magnetoelastic resonance and piezoelectric sensors, force sensors and general sensor applications. In 2002 Christer was appointed Associate Professor in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology and in 2015 he was appointed Adj. Professor in Physics at the Microtechnology and Nanoscience department at Chalmers University of Technology. Christer has published over 160 papers (h index = 42) in peer reviewed scientific journals in the field of magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic materials, magnetic analysis, magnetic and piezoelectric sensors and general sensor systems. He is also co-inventor of over 17 patents. One of the patents resulted in a spin-off company and Christer is one of the co-founders of Vasasensor, focused on wireless sensor systems for the paper industry. Christer also started up and was coordinator of the EU FP7 LARGE NMP project NanoMag focused on standardization of analysis methods for magnetic nanoparticles. Research activities at and
- Measurement and modeling of solids flow behaviors in an aerated standpipe and i…
- 3D-printing magnetic susceptor filament for induction welding of thermoplastic …
- Free Space Microwave Sensing of Carbon Fiber Composites with Ferromagnetic Micr…
- Manufacturing of thermoplastic composite sandwich panels using induction weldin…
- CF/PEEK skins assembly by induction welding for thermoplastic composite sandwic…
- Application of the magnetic tracer-tracking system in solids circulation measur…
- Combining Magnetostriction with Variable Reluctance for Energy Harvesting at Lo…
- Influence of Tensile Stress on Microwave Scattering Parameters of Continuous Fe…
- Remote Sensing of the Nano-Rheological Properties of Soft Materials Using Magne…