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Energy efficient supermarkets - Behavior, design and layout

It is important to take people into account when working with technology. Understanding the customers' and staff's behaviors and experiences in the food room helps to overcome barriers and facilitate technological changes towards a more sustainable and efficient energy use, while new solutions can also provide a perceived customer value and contribute to a better indoor environment in the food room.

The design and layout of the food premises are important aspects for achieving a balance between service and energy efficiency. Although the energy use for the food premises' refrigerators, freezers and heating systems is high and costs a lot of money, it can be challenging for the trader to choose the more energy efficient measures, as the primary thing is that it should be attractive and functional for the customer to consume.

Stimulating staff to increase energy awareness and motivating them to work for more efficient energy use can be the single most important measure in the food premises' energy work. Processes and routines are an important tool for reducing energy use. It is important to understand how the staff works and which elements require energy.

By combining studies on the indoor climate with qualitative studies of customers' experiences and behaviors, knowledge is gained on how to improve energy efficiency, design and layout for and at the same time maintain or increase sales.

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Energy efficiency potentials in professional kitchens - Restaurant kitchens
