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Certification of production process regarding formaldehyde and REACH

The Certification of Production Process regarding Formaldehyde Emissions and REACH supports production processes for composite wood products. It aims to demonstrate that the manufacturer has the capacity to control the level of formaldehyde emissions from products produced in the certified production process.

Why certify your processes?

The REACH regulation, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 - Registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH), is a European Union regulation aimed at improving the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. Regarding formaldehyde emissions is the requirement that this shall be under 0.05 ppm.

The certification rule "SPCR 020, Certification rule for certification of production process regarding formaldehyde emissions and "REACH" requirements" by RISE Certifications assists manufacturers in meeting the requirements of the REACH regulation. Additionally, it provides an independent third-party statement confirming that the production processes and the manufacturer have the capability to control formaldehyde emissions and produce products with emissions below the specified limits.

SPCR 020 applies to production processes where composite wood products such as plywood, oriented strand board, particle board, fiberboard laminated veneer lumber, glulam and other glued timber products are produced.

SPCR 020 not only helps manufacturers fulfill regulatory requirements but also enhances their credibility and commitment to environmental and human health protection.


RISE performs all test in its own test labs and has a long experience in the field of testing and certification of wood products in general and regarding formaldehyde emissions. RISE is also a third-party certifier and can certify according to U.S. EPA TSCA Title VI Regulation for wood products. Through this, we can coordinate both audits, testing and certification to offer a comprehensive solution for both REACH and U.S requirements.



More information

For detailed information regarding Certification rule SPCR 020, Certification rule for certification of production process regarding formaldehyde emissions and REACH requirements please contact us.


Certification of production process regarding formaldehyde and REACH


Product certification

Delivery level



Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production

Contact person

Ethem Muameleci


+46 10 516 52 88

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Joacim Melin

Contact person

Joacim Melin

Certification officer

+46 10 516 56 74

Read more about Joacim

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