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The AFoU network – workplace-related R&D for sustainable working life

The network for workplace-related research and development for sustainable working life, AFoU, is an open network that works to develop the attractive jobs of the future, good work environment, quality, innovation and competitiveness.

Working life is increasingly affected by our surroundings. Together - through different perspectives - we can understand the happenings, process threats and seize new opportunities. The AFoU network is an arena where together we can build knowledge about how a good work environment, work organization, leadership, social sustainability, quality, efficiency and competitiveness are interconnected and can be strengthened.

An open and growing network

  • The AFoU network builds bridges and collaborates between different workplaces, occupational groups, industries, companies, public organizations, social partners and researchers.
  • We want to inspire, share experiences, utilize knowledge, translate research into practical benefit and start new collaborations and projects on important issues for business and public organizations.
  • We are based on the concrete needs of workplaces and want to combine research height with practical benefits in workplaces.
  • The AFoU network's reference group is composed of the social partners' main organizations – Svenskt Näringsliv, LO, Saco, TCO, SKR, PTK, OFR and Arbetsgivarverket – and highlights the development needs that the network drives.

Göran Johnsson, Chairman of the AFoU network, former Chariman of IF Metall, Chariman of the board of Produktionslyftet
Mattias Elg,  Linköping University
Ulrika Harlin, main coordinator and contact for the AFoU network

Ulrika Harlin

Contact person

Ulrika Harlin


+46 70 780 60 54

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