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Keynote Speakers NFSD

Each day is opened by invited Keynote Speakers, leaders in their field, providing an overview of their topic of expertise as an introduction to the themes of the day. 

NFSD 2024 has the following confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Day 1 - June 18th

Aldis Run Larusdottir, Chief of Fire Prevention, Reykjavik Fire and Rescue Service

Aldis Run Larusdottir, Chief of Fire Prevention, Greater Reykjavík Fire and Rescue Service since 2022. PhD from the Technical University of Denmark in 2013 and worked as a fire safety consultant in 2013-2019 and 2020-2022 in Iceland and 2019-2020 in Denmark.

Day 1 - June 18th

Jakob Vedsted Andersen, CEO and Chief Commissioner of the Greater Copenhagen Fire Department

Earlier in his career Jakob was Chief Fire Officer of the Copenhagen Fire Brigade and earlier still, Chief Fire Officer of the Aarhus Fire Brigade. Jakob is ’Master of Science in Engineering, MSc’ from the University of Aalborg, and studied fire safety engineering at Lund University. Jakob is Board Member of the FEU - Federation of the European Union Fire Officer Associations and Board Member of the ’Danske Beredskaber’ – the Danish Association of municipal fire and rescue service.

Day 1 - June 18th

DSB, Norway - Person to be decided

Day 2 - June 19th

Björn Karlsson, Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland

Björn Karlsson is a Civil Engineer, he defended his Ph.D. Thesis at the Department of Fire Safety and Risk Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden in 1992. He served in Lund as an Associate Professor for many years. Björn has since served as the Director General of the Iceland Construction Authority and other government institutions for 20 years and an Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland, but also serves as Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Infrastructure, in charge of policy regarding building regulations and fire safety in Iceland.