Trendspotting from RISE
What trends will contribute to the transition to increased sustainability and circularity in society and industry? In our recurring Trendspotting, we have compiled knowledge, insights, research, and intelligence studies from a number of fields/industries. Listen to our Trendspotting and find out more.
The trend reports can be used as part of your basis for next year’s business planning in order to prioritise your future investments and/or to ensure that you have the right skills and capacity for what is waiting around the corner.

Life Science
How does the life science industry secure both human and planetary health? The life science industry, along with the healthcare system, is essential for human health but at the same time contributes significantly to climate and environmental impact. A shift towards a sustainable life science industry is underway, driven by consumers, legislators, and the industry itself, but how can we act to maintain a competitive industry while also protecting healthy ecosystems, biodiversity, and the climate?
This trendreport is only available in Swedish.

På spaning efter den klarhet som flytt - en framsyn om samhällsbyggnad
Att navigera i en ständigt föränderlig omvärld, ta de möjligheter som uppstår och undvika de hot som lurar kan vara en svår uppgift. Genom att utforska det som ingen vet, går det att bygga en förmåga att agera i osäkerhet, både idag och i framtiden. I denna framtidsspaning från juni 2024 utforskas osäkerheter som kan komma att forma framtidens samhällsbyggnad.

Trendspaning – Framtidens matsystem
Ur varje utmaning växer nya lösningar och beteenden. I denna trendspaning riktar vi blicken mot vad som väntar runt hörnet. Vad krävs för att skapa ett hållbart matsystem? Trendseminariet som hålls den 5 december 2023 kl 11-12 och ger en kort summering av trendrapporten Runt hörnet – Framtidens matsystem. Varje område presenteras kort och därefter följer ett samtal med medverkande experter om konsekvenser och möjligheter.

Tomorrow's materials and products
We are in a revolutionary time where we are constantly rethinking how we use materials. Navigating this transition, where we also need to manage both the linear and circular economy, poses major challenges. In this annual trend report, we analyze needs, challenges and opportunities in material transition.

The new energy landscape - politics, conflicts and innovation
Energy issues have rarely attracted so much commitment and been the subject of so much dynamism as now. 2022 has offered record prices for both electricity and fuel, upheavals in politics and policy instruments and a clear connection between energy and security issues. In addition, climate change is proved through record droughts that affect both water and energy supplies. What does the future energy landscape look like and what innovations do we need to implement in order to transform to an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable energy system?

Material supply for the vehicles of the future
When car dealerships need to manage upgrades instead of selling newly produced cars and much revolves around the development of services for future vehicles, what new business models are needed? How can vehicle component suppliers contribute to the extended use of materials when the service life of a car needs to increase? How will the right material qualities and flows be achieved?

Climate-neutral cities and communities
We live in an increasingly uncertain time characterised by sanctions, fluctuations on the stock exchange, and increased debate about security policy. In addition, the transition from fossil fuel-dependent to renewable energy sources will need to be accelerated. What trends create new conditions for how we can build climate-neutral cities and communities?

Sustainable living environments of the future
The coronavirus pandemic and increased climate awareness have changed our fundamental values and lifestyles. Digital technology enables virtual meetings and remote work. Shared ownership and mobility services streamline the use of resources. Optimisation of energy systems and buildings helps in the transition to climate-neutral cities.