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Food kontact material

Seminar - Recycled materials in food contact materials

Recycled materials in food contact materials – is there a conflict with the non-toxic environment goal? Recycling of materials is often described as a key factor in a circular economy. But is there a risk that we also recycle hazardous chemicals when materials are recycled?

Researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala University and RISE have studied these questions in a Formas funded project, and we invite you to a seminar to present our finding as discuss these with interested parties. 

This seminar will focus on

  • New methods to detect chemical hazards in food contact materials
  • How industry actors view potential conflicts between the societal goals of a circular economy and a non-toxic environment
  • The evolving legislative landscape for recycled materials in food contact materials
November 7 2024
07 Nov 2024
Drottning Kristinas Väg 61, Stockholm, Sweden
6 November 2024

Free of charge, Limited number of seats – sign up early!


Jane Muncke

Manager Director, Food Packaging Forum

Johan Lundqvist

Associate Professor of Molecular Toxicology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Sebastian Abrahamsson

Researcher, PhD, Associate Professor, Uppsala University

Ann Lorentzon

Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Cathrine Löfgen

Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Hans Steijer

Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Jane Muncke, Food Packaging Forum, will give a key note lecture to put the seminar in an international context. The seminar will be closed with an interactive discussion between the presenters and the attendees.

13.00-13.05 Welcome Johan Lundqvist, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

13.05-13.45 Key-note Lecture: “Recycled Materials in Food Packaging - Health and Environmental Challenges”

Jane Muncke, Food Packaging Forum

13.45-14.15 “Effect-based methods as a new tool to monitor hazardous chemicals – analyzes of recycled food contact materials”

Johan Lundqvist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

14.15-14.45 Break

14.45-15.15 Food packaging recycling: some insights about the role of contamination and purity in a complex and variable sector

Sebastian Abrahamsson, Uppsala University

15.15 -15.30 Stakeholders view of recycled materials

Ann Lorentzon, Researcher RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

15.30 -15.45 Break

15.45-16.15 The evolving legislation landscape 

Cathrine Löfgen, researcher RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 

Hans Steijer, researcher RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 

16.15-16.45 Interactive discussion with the presenters and attendees

Contact person

Amina Vazda


+46 10 228 44 13

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