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Behavioural Modelling for Decision Support

Do you need to better understand the drivers behind your customers' decisions? When people choose a product or a service, they typically make trade-offs between different features (consciously or unconsciously) to arrive at the choice that works best for them. As business leaders, service providers or policy-makers, it is key that we understand these drivers so we can shape our offering right. 

Choice Modelling is a well-recognized quantitative method for modelling behaviour, used to explain and predict individual decision-making. It is powerful for understanding key aspects when developing and launching new products, services or policies, such as: 

  • Understanding market acceptance for a new offering
  • Determining the most valued features, attributes, or bundles
  • Predicting demand, including peak demand periods for services such as transport or deliveries
  • Understanding price sensitivity and willingness to pay
  • Defining customer segments

At RISE we provide Choice Modelling resources – under one roof

RISE, as the largest Swedish research institute, offer unique access to diverse expertise under one roof.  We have expertise on qualitative methods to create realistic and relevant decision scenarios and access to domain experts to frame experiments. We can build complex experimental designs and test offers, products and services with large, and diverse audiences We also have capability to deliver results understandable to all audiences, ranging from peer-reviewed scientific publications, through policy reports to popular podcasts. 

We have broad experience from applying our expertise to areas such as peoples’ acceptance of interruptible electricity contracts, predicting outcomes of transport policies, willingness to pay for remanufactured products, willingness to pay for shared services, and predicting user acceptance of future technologies.

Our research was recognised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in 2022 as one of the 100 Swedish innovations with great potential:…

Our work on Choice Modelling focus on three areas: 

  • Sustainability in daily decision-making
    Circular and sustainable consumers' choices
  • Business & Government
    Preferences for public policy, as well as consumer behaviour in a market
  • Qualitative & Quantitative
    Quantitative research supplemented by & based on qualitative insights

Our Approach

A choice experiment is a type of experiment designed to generate preference data by asking decision makers to make choices between provided alternatives. There are different methods that are suitable for specific purposes; Discrete choice experiments (DCE) and Best-worst scaling (BWS).

Our approach typically follows these steps: 

  • Scope of study
  • Experimental design
  • Data collection
  • Choice analytics 
  • Insight reports

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Agnieszka Hunka

Contact person

Agnieszka Hunka

Senior Researcher

+46 10 228 40 65

Read more about Agnieszka

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