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Increased circularity in building products and systems

The construction industry currently accounts for 50 percent of all resource use globally.* In the coming years, increased regulations and requirements will increase the market's need for sustainable building products and systems. As a player in the construction industry, it is important to understand the change and to find ways to move from a linear business logic to becoming a player in a circular value chain. For this, RISE offers expert advice and process development from climate-smart raw material selection and design support to material development, quality assurance and certification of building products and systems.

The fact that the construction industry accounts for 20 percent of Sweden's climate emissions has been known for a long time. The transition to more circular value chains can have a major positive impact on the construction industry, which can then contribute to resources being kept in a cycle for a longer period of time. 

In a linear system, raw material is produced and then processed into a material, a material that is combined and refined into a product. The product is used and later becomes waste. In a circular system, on the other hand, this waste is reused, restored, upgraded or recycled, thus creating a circular flow. 

Government and the construction and real estate sector work in different ways to reduce climate impact both during the construction phase and during a building's lifetime. As a manufacturer of building products or building systems, you need to understand what the change means for you and your company. Both upcoming and current directives such as the Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the update of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and the ESPR Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation with the inclusive DPP (digital product passport) are expected to set requirements for reused products, resource use and traceability.

Demand for circular building products is expected to increase

The demand for products with a low climate impact is expected to increase among industry players in the coming years, and among consultants it is perceived as very difficult to find recycled materials for project assignments. Among the clients, there is a greater commitment to sustainable construction, which is partly driven by the taxonomy regulation, which aims to steer financing to so-called green activities.

The key is to identify the right opportunities and business models to contribute to a circular value chain. Manufacturers of building products and systems that adapt their business model early on will have a competitive advantage in the new market that is created as a result of increased demands for sustainability and resource efficiency.  

RISE offers broad and deep knowledge – and progress

At RISE, we have both deep and broad knowledge throughout the value chain: from climate-smart raw material selection to quality-assured circular product design or verified reuse elements. We support your company in the transition process by optimising building products for both assembly and dismantling. We also work with digital twins and digital product passports, which makes it easier when developing a circular business. All within the same organization – which makes the process both efficient and quality-assured.

We help you with expert knowledge, analyses and accepted testing, as well as coordinating and managing your project – from raw material extraction and inventory, through product manufacturing, construction phase and use, until the product or system can be reused or recycled

Expert advice


Material Inventory






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Are you curious about how you can switch to a circular business?

Johan Bergström, Project Manager in Sustainable Construction

Book a free consultation with one of us

We support construction companies and other actors in the construction sector who are already working with circular products or systems or want to replace an existing material with a more sustainable alternative. 

Book a meeting with me directly by clicking here

Peter Lidén, researcher and project manager in sustainable construction

Regardless of the size of your business, we offer expertise along the entire value chain. With us, you can get help with one-off efforts, get support along the entire development chain, or participate in one of our research projects.

Book a meeting with me directly by clicking here

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