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Independent sustainability analysis future-proofs your business and fosters competitiveness

Requirements from society, customers, partners, and government agencies are becoming increasingly extensive. In addition to climate requirements, several requirements are placed on resource efficiency, biodiversity, water use, and energy use, for example. Are you aware of your collective carbon footprint? Do you know how much water and energy are consumed in your production? Have you placed clear climate requirements on your subcontractors? Do you have control of your residual streams? These are a few important questions that companies should have answers for today. Conducting independent sustainability analyses will help you make the right long-term decisions. It enables more sustainable development for your business and provides considerable advantage over your competitors.

What is independent sustainability analysis?

Sustainability analysis is a collective name for different methods that measure how sustainable a business is based on environmental, economic, and social aspects. Examples of sustainability analyses include carbon footprints, environmental product declarations (EPD), and social life cycle analyses. RISE is a state-owned independent research institute that conducts independent sustainability analyses for companies as well as trade associations or clusters. RISE’s combination of proficiency in sustainability analysis and in-depth technical expertise gives us a unique opportunity to provide our customers with substantiated suggestions for improvements. We assemble a unique team with expertise relevant to your business, industry, and conditions.

At RISE, we conduct independent sustainability analyses based on six different methods
Life-cycle Analysis (LCA) – analysis of the environmental impact of a product or service in order to steer development towards a more sustainable future. 
Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCC) – analysis of the total cost of a product, service, investment, etc. throughout its lifespan. This method allows relevant comparison analyses to be made between different options.
Material Flow Analysis (MFCA) – analytical method for quantifying material flows and stocks of materials or substances in a system. 
Techno-economic analysis – analytical method for demonstrating the technological and economic possibilities, advantages, and technological limits of a given process.
Social Life-cycle Analysis (Social LCA) – analysis of the entire value chain based on 54 qualitative and quantitative indicators in areas such as occupational health and safety, labour law, child labour, fair pay, working hours, local employment and economic growth, discrimination, and social well-being. 
Circularity assessment – analysis of the proportion of a previously used product, service, process, or activity and the value thereof. 

They jointly comprise a complete independent analysis for sustainability where we look at environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The methods to be used depend on the industry and challenges. A sustainability analysis can also be carried out based on only one or two sustainability aspects. 

By partnering with RISE, you will receive an independent sustainability analysis that can be used as the basis for your future initiatives, strategies, and investments. It also verifies what you are already doing well from a sustainability perspective.

RISE is a state-owned research institute that reports directly to the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. All steps in the analysis process are carried out completely impartially, which results in an independent sustainability analysis that can serve as the basis for your company’s future strategic decisions. 

Why should an independent sustainability analysis be done?

An independent sustainability analysis is the most important basis for a company’s future strategies and investments. The analysis comprehensively highlights factors within the business as well as external factors that affect its sustainability. This can include material streams, technologies, subcontractors, and life-cycle perspectives. 

An independent sustainability analysis future-proofs your business and gives you the tools to follow up on your various sustainability goals, provides an overview of how sustainable your business is, and helps you to make the right sustainable decisions. It provides you with a competitive edge and ensures your future relevance.  

How does it work?

We have an initial meeting in which we discuss your needs, then we follow up with a feedback meeting concerning the quote and process. These meetings are free of charge. A quote for an independent sustainability analysis starts at SEK 50,000 and depends on the scope and complexity. Following approval, a team at RISE is assembled based on the expertise required. The process ends with a presentation and interpretation of the independent sustainability report, along with suggestions for changes to achieve your stated goals. The report is provided in your preferred format. 

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Inger-Lise Svensson

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Inger-Lise Svensson


+46 10 516 51 35

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