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Sustainability Policy Navigation - Guidance for Business Developers

The escalating risk of missing out on new business opportunities and the potential obsolescence of companies' current business models in the rapidly evolving EU policy landscape, present a tough challenge for business leaders. To support your company, RISE offers counsel to better navigate the impact of relevant policy changes and develop a roadmap for seizing emerging business opportunities. 

We empower business developers to proactively seize opportunities and drive innovation within the ever-changing policy landscape. As Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner, our policy navigation goes beyond compliance, placing a sharp focus on adaptation and innovation. ​What are the key changes in policy and how will they affect your business? What new opportunities might arise and how do you position yourself to capture them? Which measures can you take to be more resilient in the upcoming shift? What new capabilities do you need to develop to capture the opportunities? 

Our offering provides you with an initial stride towards understanding the future business landscape, resulting in customised action plans to address identified risks and seize emerging opportunities. ​ 

Our Approach 

  • Mapping of business impact​ 
    With inputs from your company business plan and interviews with business representatives, RISE experts map what parts in the EU Green Deal will impact your company.​ 
  • Introductory lecture​ 
    RISE gives an introductory lecture about the EU Green Deal. 
  • Analysis of risks and opportunities​ 
    RISE analyses and summarise business impact from a risk and opportunity perspective connected to your company business plan.​ 
  • Workshop – establish an action plan​ 
    RISE facilitates a workshop and share the identified risks and opportunities. The outputs of the risks and opportunities analysis form the basis of an action plan that is created to take advantage of the new policy landscape.​ 
  • Delivery of report​ 
    RISE delivers a report including the analysis of business risks and opportunities with a suggestion on what to focus on in your company business plan, together with the created action plan from the workshop.​ 

Policy Navigation at RISE focus on… 

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive​ 
  • Corporate Sustainability due Diligence Directive​ 
  • EU Taxonomy Regulation 

…and can also cover aspects of:  

  • Consumer Rights Directive – revision 
  • Unfair Commercial Practices Directive - revision 
  • Green Claims Directive 
  • Waste Shipment Regulation 
  • Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation 
  • RoHS – revision 
  • WEEE – revision 
  • Batteries Regulation 

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Malin Orebäck

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Malin Orebäck

Innovations- och processledare

+46 73 361 12 37

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Lukas Hallquist

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Lukas Hallquist

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