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Attractive climate-smart renovation with wooden facade

An industrially manufactured innovative facade system for sustainable renovation for the ROT sector is under development. The goal is a system that is easy for architects to use through a digitized design process in the design and planning process and attractive to different properties' design and appearance based on different cases of additional insulation.

We face a major need for renovation, especially of buildings constructed between the 1950s and 1990s. From a societal perspective, it is important to improve the building stock by extending its lifespan and updating it to current energy requirements. In renovations, additional insulation is a common measure that often negatively affects the aesthetic appearance of the façade. This means an operational gain but often a loss of the original design. In a previous project Fasaden i Staden, Snabb, Snygg, Smart (financed via BioInnovation), led by RISE Träbyggande, an innovative wooden façade system was developed for new construction in the urban environment.

Through the project "E2B2 Climate-smart renovation with innovative wooden facade (funded by the Swedish Energy Agency), it is possible to save energy by continuing to develop and adapt the facade system to the renovation of million program buildings.

-In addition, the facade system will be designed with a focus on an adaptable and digitalized design process, and the components will be possible to dismantle in the future, says project manager Karin Sandberg, RISE. 

The façade system should also be designed so that it can be manufactured in the factory and then easily assembled on the construction site.

-Case studies will be used to verify how well the façade system is designed for manufacturing, LCA energy optimization, digital management of information and variation in design possibilities for the architect. The result will be presented in a digital platform model, says Camilla Schlyter, RISE, who works as the institute's doctoral student on the issue.

The aim of the project is to ensure that the entire chain from design to production works in practice. Prototypes are being manufactured by the project partners Hedlunda Industrier and SCA with Kiruna Bostäder's renovation of Lombolo in mind, and Equator Arkitekter is contributing design expertise.

-We see an increased demand for facade systems that are climate neutral and optimized for low material and energy consumption, and provide the opportunity for aesthetic freedom and variation for architects, developers and managers, says Camilla Schlyter.

-The project contributes to the development of attractive bio-based facades central to the transition of the civil engineering industry towards a reduced fossil dependence, concludes Karin Sandberg.

This is an article from our magazine Trävärden, view it here! (Link)

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Camilla Schlyter


+46 73 032 42 64

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Karin Sandberg

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Karin Sandberg

Senior Forskare

+46 10 516 62 41

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