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Durability - Key in the Material Transition

We find ourselves in a pivotal era, where we are fundamentally reconsidering our approach to material usage. This shift demands a move towards a significantly more efficient utilization of the Earth's resources. To ensure genuinely sustainable outcomes, numerous factors must be considered. What does the material need to withstand? And for how long must it endure?

The global challenges confronting humanity are undeniable. Sea levels are rising, temperatures are hitting unprecedented highs, and ecosystems are in upheaval. Simultaneously, global anxieties are mounting, with conflicts encroaching ever closer to home. Change is imperative and already underway.

New legislation aimed at reversing climate trends is being implemented with increasing frequency. Large-scale initiatives like Net Zero Industry are being launched, alongside investments in new energy sources and robust defence strategies. Swedish and European industries are facing an immense transition. At its core lies the necessity for sustainable and resilient materials, supported by a flexible and rapid infrastructure for their implementation.

"The energy transition, total defence, and sustainability are certainly the focal points of current discussions, and they are closely interconnected," confirms Rikard Norling, Market Manager within Materials and Production at RISE.

An Evolving Energy Sector

Rikard specializes in durable materials, a critical element in the material transition.

"The push for renewable energy and the quest for a reliable energy supply have sparked a transformation of the energy system. While nuclear power isn't a novel concept, the current discourse surrounding it has shifted considerably. Concurrently, efforts are underway to bolster the contributions of wind, solar, and wave power. What binds these energy sources together is their shared reliance on material solutions," Rikard explains.

"Wind and solar energy production fluctuates, subjecting materials in base power plants designed for steady output to heightened strain. Likewise, wave power grapples with durability and corrosion challenges. Meanwhile, advancements in nuclear power entail fresh demands on materials. Within existing nuclear facilities, the focus predominantly centers on material longevity, ensuring safe operation over many years."

Put simply, the energy sector has a significant interest in materials that are both sustainable and durable. Merely being environmentally sustainable isn't sufficient; they must also be resilient enough to withstand the demanding conditions they encounter and have a lifespan suited to their specific use.

"This is an area we focus extensively on at RISE. We offer both standardized testing and customized testing. For instance, we set up test rigs that replicate real operating conditions, albeit in an accelerated form. We deal with a wide range of materials, from various plastics to metallic materials like stainless steel, brass alloys, or aluminium. Achieving the right durability is always a trade-off depending on the application. Our goal is to produce products with a low environmental footprint that last as long as necessary. If a product has an unnecessarily high durability, it often becomes needlessly expensive to manufacture. Conversely, if a product has insufficient durability, it needs frequent replacement, leading to resource wastage and negative environmental impacts. It's a delicate balance," says Rikard.

Durable Solutions for Crisis and Conflict

In terms of total defence, material characteristics and durability are paramount, alongside the ability to swiftly and flexibly generate components.

"A part of our total defence efforts involves devising methods for promptly generating spare parts under conditions of restricted delivery capabilities. One avenue we explore is additive manufacturing, commonly referred to as 3D printing. It presents a somewhat different approach: there's an operational product that has performed well but urgently requires replacement. Additive manufacturing allows for the rapid production of components, although at times, their properties may deviate from the original. Despite similarities in name, the materials used can exhibit varying characteristics when manufactured in a new way. We're extensively involved in assessing the process parameters necessary in additive manufacturing to ensure the desired durability properties," explains Rikard.

Increased Need for Regulation

When prioritizing sustainability, speed, and flexibility, not to mention production costs, is there a danger that durability might be overlooked or neglected? Is durability addressed in legislation with same emphasis as, for instance, carbon emissions?

"Legislation, typically in the form of mandatory standards, does not always consider material properties and durability, so there is a need for a stronger emphasis on this aspect. There are clear cases where it should be addressed, such as in the Drinking Water Directive. Otherwise, there is a potential risk of resilience issues in water supply over time and an increased likelihood of expensive water damage. RISE strives to be proactive in this arena by actively participating in policy discussions and contributing to the development of new standards across various forums," states Rikard.

In need of help?

RISE is active throughout the entire value chain of sustainable production and material transition, leveraging our expertise, test facilities, and innovation networks. Our specialists cover circular transition strategies for a more sustainable economy, processes and systems for high-quality recycling and reuse, future material production, and the development of traceable, durable, and quality-assured circular materials.

Reach out to us for a tailored discussion addressing your company's specific needs and challenges. Together, we can ensure the durability of your materials in real-world applications.

Rikard Norling

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Rikard Norling

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