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Energy communities make it possible to share electricity with each other.

Energy communities are a smart way to produce, recycle and share energy between homes, industries and other types of buildings. Since the beginning of the year, energy sharing between residential buildings has been authorized, opening up new possibilities.

An energy community involves connecting neighboring buildings into a small system where energy can be generated, shared, recycled, and even stored. Until now, the ability to do this was limited because electricity could not be shared between residential buildings. This was changed in an amendment to the regulation that came into effect on January 1, 2022, provided that the buildings are on the same plot of land or neighboring properties.

– There are great opportunities for energy efficiency improvements that are favorable both from a climate perspective and in terms of reducing energy costs within the Energy Community. RISE is therefore building expertise in a number of projects with national and international partners from cities, academia, energy companies and industry, says Monica Axell, Research and Business Developer in the Energy and Resources Department at RISE.

Building on increased interaction

Within the energy community, for example, it is possible to produce solar power that can be shared and stored, to work with low-temperature networks for district heating, to use different types of waste heat from buildings, and to build a system of charging stations for electric cars – which can also be shared in a carpool. With efficient control, it is possible to reduce peak demand and distribute energy to where it is needed most. Another important benefit for the energy system is that energy communities can contribute to flexibility, i.e. the adaptation of energy use to a more dynamic energy production.

– Energy communities are based on increased interaction between prosumers, consumers and other actors in the energy system to increase the share of renewable energy, save energy and increase flexibility. "By working with innovative technologies and system solutions, it is possible to reduce the share of purchased electricity by 30 percent, says Monica Axell.

This is both an important climate issue and a cost issue

Pilot project on energy communities

In order to really study energy communities in a broad sense - innovative technology, legal aspects, forms of collaboration, and governance and business models for energy communities - RISE, in collaboration with KTH, is running the project "System change with locally shared energy". Two pilots, one in existing buildings in Hammarby Sjöstad, and another in Örebro in the not yet completed residential area Tamarinden.

– In this way, we get two different perspectives with different governance needs. In Örebro, it is the city that has to make the decisions, while the initiatives in Hammarby Sjöstad must come from below from those who own the properties, says Monica Axell.

Ten properties by 2025

In Örebro, the planned energy community will consist of ten properties with 700 apartments, which are scheduled for completion in 2025.

– This is both an important climate issue and a cost issue, where we will jointly be able to save SEK 3-5 million a year in reduced energy costs, says Jonas Tannerstad, Head of Electricity and Automation at ÖrebroBostäder.

At present, decisions have been made on a joint low-temperature network for district heating, a joint infrastructure for sharing electricity and a joint automation solution. The next step will be to create a trading centre for local trade in electricity and to form the energy community itself.

– Hopefully we can have an energy exchange with companies in the neighbourhood as well. For example, there is a large ICA store here that needs energy as well as giving up energy, says Jonas Tannerstad.

Climate neutral by 2030

In Hammarby Sjöstad, the energy community is based on ElectriCITY Innovation, an economic association with around 80 members including property companies, 56 housing associations, the City of Stockholm, RISE, KTH, energy companies and a large number of other companies. The goal is for the neighbourhood to be climate-neutral by 2030 – ten years earlier than the City of Stockholm as a whole.

– The energy community is part of our efforts to achieve this. The idea is that, together, we can create a model that can be shared not just here, but across the world. The climate benefit is the most important. But we also see that we can contribute to social benefits in other ways. In Stockholm, there is a power shortage at least until 2028 and this is one way to contribute to the power reserve. And there is also a security policy aspect. If there is a power cut, we can manage the electricity supply ourselves for a period, says Jörgen Lööf, CEO of ElectriCITY.

Five Energy and Environmental Goals of the Locally Shared Energy System Transformation Project

  • Halve power peaks.
  • Save 30 percent energy.
  • Enable greater production of locally generated solar power.
  • Reduce district heating losses and CO2 emissions through low-temperature district heating.
  • Increase the use of fossil-free transportation through charging stations and carpools. The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent.

They are participating in the project "System Change with Local Shared Energy".

RISE, KTH, Örebro Municipality, ÖrebroBostäder (ÖBO), E.ON, ElectriCity (leading the pilot in Hammarby Sjöstad), Enstar, KTC, Siemens and Ellevio.

Erika Lönntoft

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Erika Lönntoft


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Monica Axell


+46 10 516 55 19

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