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Omställningslyftet future-proofs swedish industry

We want to reach the 1.5-degree goal, but how can individual companies really contribute and at the same time strengthen their competitiveness? RISE with partners is currently conducting a feasibility study for the program Omställningslyftet, which will make it easier for companies to find their way to a climate-neutral business.

There is broad consensus in society at present that trade and industry needs to change in order to reach the 1.5 degree target and thus avoid an ecosystem collapse. There is already a lot of support available for individual companies – in fact there is so much help on offer that it can be overwhelming.

– “A solid support system exists, and that is what makes it a bit of a challenge,” says Andreas Johansson, Head of Research and Business Development in the Built Environment area at RISE. “Companies often need to spend a lot of time just understanding the support system to be helped by it, and it can be a challenge in itself just to decide whether it’s best to approach the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Vinnova or Almi, for example.”

Overlap makes it more difficult

Something that makes the support system even more difficult to navigate is the high degree of overlap, both in terms of direction and methods.

– “A lot of things are connected, but is it streamlining, digitalisation or circular business models that I need to know more about or are these actually the same thing? Maybe everything is covered if I just focus on sustainability or innovation management, or maybe not? It is often very difficult to determine what constitutes the chicken and what constitutes the egg,” says Johansson.

If you are interested in future-proofing your business, I think you should contact us now

In order to make the support system more navigable, create a common entry point, and help to identify the common thread, RISE, together with some 20 other operators, is now developing a programme called Omställningslyftet.

– “Sweden has good experience of national programmes like this, one example being Digitaliseringslyftet. Our ambition this time is to create a kind of hub that centralises the support system, clarifies what help is available, and helps individual companies to navigate it.”

Digitala verktyg och konkret hjälp

However, the goal is not only to shed light on the opportunities that exist or offer competitive intelligence, but also to offer more concrete help. By means of digital tools and simple questions, a company will be able to self-assess its business, situation and needs.

– “There will also be opportunities to receive help with strategy development from coaches, for example, and to participate in workshops together with other companies in a similar situation in order to inspire each other and to avoid problems that others have already solved.  In addition, Omställningslyftet will be linked to various funding mechanisms.”

The feasibility study for Omställningslyftet is currently ongoing and several pilots are already underway and more will come in 2022.

– “If you are interested in future-proofing your business, I think you should contact us now. We know that many companies recognise that a lot is happening in the market and realise they need to change, but don’t know how. If you feel this way, then you should definitely contact us,” concludes Andreas Johansson.

Andreas Johansson

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Andreas Johansson


+46 10 516 51 73

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