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Secured water supply for Skåne's business community

In collaboration with RISE, Region Skåne has initiated a project that aims to encourage more sustainable water use among companies in Skåne. The overarching objective is for the region's trade and industry to avoid suffering any negative impact in the event of future interruptions in the water supply.

Extensive agriculture and major food companies make Skåne highly dependent on its water supply. In the light of future climate change, there is also a risk of water shortages and interruptions in the water supply, primarily in the summertime.

– "Some companies have already experienced water outages, and we can expect to see recurring water shortages in the future. Accordingly, we want to encourage all stakeholders in the region to review, optimise and recirculate their water as much as possible – so as to minimise water consumption," says Susann Milenkovski, an environmental strategist at Region Skåne.

Projects raise the issue and speed up the process

As part of an ongoing project, the region wants to highlight the issue and contribute knowledge in order to speed a process in which companies secure their production even in times of water scarcity. The project is being conducted in collaboration with RISE.

– "Right now, we're looking for between five and seven companies that RISE can help to take the next step towards more efficient water use. Depending on the progress the companies have already made in this area, RISE can help with risk analysis, surveys, proposing and implementing measures and cost analysis," Milenkovski continues.

She hopes to see a positive response from different industries so that the results of the project can ultimately comprise a broad knowledge base describing how different types of companies have reduced their water consumption.

– "Such a knowledge base would enable us to raise awareness of the problem and spotlight good examples as well as inspire new innovative solutions in this area," says Milenkovski.

Skåne's trade and industry will have to adapt to a reality in which water availability varies across the seasons

To exemplify such solutions, she mentions the possibility of using desalinated seawater in industrial processes and technologies that enable water to be reused.

– "Skåne's trade and industry will have to adapt to a reality in which water availability varies across the seasons. Anyone who's already experienced water shortages understands the benefits of being proactive. We hope that our project will be an eye-opener and speed development so that all stakeholders in Skåne join our efforts to achieve more efficient and sustainable water use," she says.

The collaboration with RISE has progressed smoothly as the project has evolved.

– "RISE has been particularly flexible. For several different reasons, we've had to change the project focus a couple of times, but this hasn't been a problem. Communication with RISE has worked extremely well, and it's been easy to come up with new ideas together," Milenkovski ends.

Rapport: Vatteneffektivisering i Skånska företag

Slutrapport. En studie om sårbarhet vid vattenbrist samt utförda fallstudier för ökad vatteneffektivisering, riktat främst till livsmedelsindustrin, fastighetsbranschen och lantbruket.


Ladda ner rapporten

Report: När vattentillgången brister

RISE has produced a report, När vattentillgången brister, which describes how companies can go about mapping and improving their water use.


Download report (in Swedish)

A safe and secure water supply is a prerequisite for a functional society and we must therefore be able to handle dry periods and water shortages to ensure a good water supply for all society's needs. But what can individual companies do to improve the water situation in the area where they operate? And how do you prioritize between different potential actions? This film addresses several methods that companies can use to create a more sustainable water use, which can also save on costs and reduce the vulnerability of their own business.