Unlimited access to water has long been taken for granted in Sweden. But is the water supply really infinite? Do we have a plan for future climate change? And how prepared are we for future crises, such as water shortages during extreme droughts or major floods? Water Wise Societies has been tasked with securing Sweden's access to sustainable water, with RISE at the helm.
Sweden's water sector faces major challenges in the coming years, ranging from ageing water and wastewater systems, climate change in the form of droughts and extreme weather events, to high levels of PFAS in drinking water in many parts of the country.
Aligning challenges with the water sector
The Water Wise Societies innovation programme has been tasked with coordinating the challenges and leading the development work to secure future access to sustainable water. The programme brings together representatives of the water sector – from the public sector, industry, research organisations, institutes and civil society – and is led by RISE in collaboration with five partners.
"To succeed in such a large and complex transition, coordinated cooperation is needed," says Marco Lucisano, Senior Vice President Built Environment, where water is one of the main areas of activity.
The Swedish Water Association, which brings together water and wastewater companies, is one of the programme's partners.
"Our industry is facing many challenges. I believe the programme will be a catalyst for innovative ideas," says Henrik Wingfors, Head of the Water Services Unit.
Swedish Water is responsible for two work packages within the Water Wise Societies programme: capacity and training, and policy development.
"Both areas need to be strengthened to facilitate the transition in line with the programme's vision and goals, for example for climate adaptation," he says.
It is time for a societal approach to water issues
Engaged stakeholders drive change
All stakeholders involved in or affected by water have the opportunity to get involved in the programme's initiatives. Elin Flodin, Project Manager at RISE and Programme Coordinator for Water Wise Societies, says that it is already possible to apply for funding from Vinnova for collaborations that will lead to proposals for sustainable water solutions (see fact box).
"As the programme progresses, there will be further calls for proposals on all kinds of water-related topics. These could range from discussing challenges in specific sectors, finding new ways of working or developing communications to inspire smart water use, to developing new policies on water issues," she says.
"Those who want to get more involved and help shape the direction of the programme are also welcome to contact the programme management and join as a member of the programme."
"It is important to bring in as many perspectives as possible from the beginning of the change process," says Marco Lucisano. "But the programme also aims to quickly launch different initiatives to learn lessons that can accelerate sustainable development."
"That is why Water Wise Societies focuses on collaboration and constant forward movement," he says.
The ultimate goal is to make water available in the right quantity and quality for people, the environment, business and industry to thrive – despite a changing climate. But the innovation work will also put Sweden on the world map as a future business partner in water issues.
"What is unique about this programme is that we are working together in what we call 'from source to coast', and that we are solving the various challenges together. It is time for a societal approach to water issues," concludes Henrik Wingfors from Swedish Water.
How Water Wise Societies works
Water Wise Societies was launched in March 2024 and has a budget of just over SEK 100 million per year to be distributed to various initiatives. The initiative will run for five years, but it is planned to continue for another five years. The vision is "Sustainable water for all by 2050".
The programme is part of Impact Innovation, a stakeholder-driven, long-term innovation collaboration to accelerate the transition to sustainable societies and global competitiveness. An initiative of Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
RISE leads the programme in collaboration with the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Svenskt Vatten, Linköping Science Park and Lund University. In addition, the programme currently has 60 active members who are affected by the water issue in different ways. Anyone interested in joining can contact the Programme Management.
During the course of the programme, several calls for proposals will be launched on all possible water-related topics. Those who wish to contribute can do so initially by applying for funding through Vinnova. Approximately SEK 100 million per year will be distributed in this way when the programme is in full swing.
Vad innebär hållbart vatten för alla?
Water Wise Societies målsättningar kan sammanfattas i fyra områden:
- Vattenresilienta samhällen: Samhällen byggs och förvaltas i harmoni med vatten och är motståndskraftiga mot klimatförändringar och kriser.
- Välmående sjöar och vattendrag som är skyddade och framtidssäkrade. Källor till föroreningar är identifierade och minimerade.
- Tillgång till vatten: Alla har tillgång till tillräckligt med vatten för att säkerställa blomstrande ekosystem, säkert dricksvatten, mat- och energiproduktion samt konkurrenskraftigt näringsliv.
- Klok användning av vatten: Alla delar av samhället ska bara förbruka den mängd och kvalitet vatten som de behöver och resurser från vattenströmmar cirkulerar på ett säkert sätt.