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Birgitta Öjmertz

"Swedish industry could lead and potentially excel in the future industrial landscape"

Hello, Birgitta Öjmertz, researcher at RISE and Deputy Programme Director for Impact Innovation's new strategic innovation program, Net Zero Industry. In February 2024 it was confirmed that Net Zero Industry would be part of Sweden's major innovation initiative for the 2030s. Could you share a bit about what the programme entails?

“One could say that it’s a new generation of innovation programmes that has been initiated by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas. Net Zero Industry, one of five programmes approved under Impact Innovation, focuses on concerted efforts to achieve zero emissions within the manufacturing sector. The objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent by 2040. An ambitious target. Finding avenues for collaboration within the innovation system, with businesses at the forefront, is paramount – as that's where the significant transformation needs to take place.”

What makes this initiative crucial at this particular moment?

“Firstly, we're facing an acute climate crisis. But from a Swedish perspective, it's also about bolstering competitiveness. There's a significant push in this direction at the EU level, and by being proactive, Swedish industry could lead and potentially excel in the future industrial landscape. Moreover, it's essential to highlight that this program also focuses on resilience. Our efforts aim to enhance Sweden's and Europe's capacity to handle various disruptions more effectively.”

What part does RISE play in this programme?

“The Association of Swedish Engineering Industries and RISE jointly manage the program office. Subsequently, there will be calls for proposals within the programme, which RISE, alongside other actors, will apply for.” 

Finally, there's a determination to truly unify all the various initiatives and stakeholders so that we can collectively move forward with vigour!

What are the main sectors that Net Zero Industry targets, and what does the programme mean for them?

"The programme primarily targets the manufacturing industry, and the value chain it is part of – from raw materials to finished products and recycling. Net Zero Industry, being such a comprehensive initiative, has the potential to shed light on the challenge at hand and expedite the industry's journey towards achieving net-zero emissions. By serving as a national hub, the program will empower small and medium-sized enterprises to participate more prominently in these efforts. It's imperative to involve the entire industrial structure, and not solely rely on the larger, more proactive companies with substantial capacity."

How is that going to be accomplished?

"I believe we should leverage the existing tools and collaborative platforms instead of reinventing them. RISE, academia, the IUC network, and other regional stakeholders already have well-established partnerships with deep ties to the Swedish manufacturing industry. The Swedish Manufacturing R&D Clusters and the Production Leap are prime examples. Under the banner of 'Strength to change together,' the Production Leap specifically targeted outreach to small and medium-sized enterprises. We've developed frameworks and methodologies to address these exact challenges, and we should definitely utilize them."

“Competence development aimed at both companies and research institutions is yet another vital component. A significant level of support will be necessary to navigate the transition ahead of us. Essentially, we need to rally all positive forces, cease viewing one another as competitors, and foster an environment where each participant sees the value in their involvement while contributing to a greater collective."

On a personal level, what do you find most exciting about this work?

“To be part of connecting all the dots and creating that cohesive whole, which I believe is absolutely essential. Finally, there's a determination to truly unify all the various initiatives and stakeholders so that we can collectively move forward with vigour!"

What is Impact Innovation?

Impact Innovation is a stakeholder-driven, long-term initiative designed to enhance Sweden's global competitiveness through the promotion of sustainable development. It builds on the existing strategic innovation programs initiated in 2013. However, to yield more impactful results, a select few larger programs have been prioritized across different areas crucial for Sweden's strategic interests. Impact Innovation is an initiative of the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova.

Birgitta Öjmertz

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Birgitta Öjmertz


+46 70 780 61 52

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