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The road to a circular wood value chain

In the field of wood technology at RISE, many individual activities are ongoing, but they are also parts of a whole to support the development of a circular wood value chain. By creating a circular wood value chain, we utilize raw materials in the best possible way, which is a prerequisite for the continued development of the wood sector.

1. Sustainable forestry makes renewable material available and sets the basis for a circular wood value chain. The process then continues in the sawmill, where the aim is to convert as much of the raw material as possible into long-lasting products. One example of how we optimize the use of the raw material is the scanning of logs using image analysis and AI. Another example is wood drying, where large amounts of material are currently discarded due to the wrong drying method. Here, traceability, data management, sorting and standardization are important methods that are being refined to make the best use of the material. Another example is the possibility of including other tree species and recycled timber in the process to increase biodiversity and adapt the forest to climate change.

2. When developing new materials and wood products, the aim is often to reduce dependency on fossil raw materials and extend their lifespan. One example is the project "100% fossil-free boards" where RISE, together with industry, has evaluated fossil-free glue for wooden boards. Another example is the development of new, less environmentally harmful wood protection treatments to extend the life of wood products. It is also possible to develop treatments that increase the protection of wood against moisture and fire.

3. The wood products will be used in buildings, interiors or furniture. RISE is involved in many projects together with industry to make production more resource efficient, with a lower carbon footprint. Part of this is to find new solutions for building components with high carbon footprints, but equally important is to prepare for flexible use, renovation, refurbishment and reuse when the first manufactured product has reached the end of its life.

4. In order to create buildings with a long lifespan and with conditions for reuse, it is essential that they meet the quality requirements of today and in the future. This means ensuring that products are safe in terms of strength and fire and moisture resistance and that they guarantee a good living environment in terms of, for example, sound and indoor climate. Part of this is to show how wood can be used in new types of structures such as high-rise buildings, hospitals or wind turbines.

5. To close the value chain, systems are important to preserve and care for the products produced and used. This means being able to recycle the products or materials. One way could be to use the equipment already available in sawmills to check the quality of the recycled material. When the material is finally used up, it can be recycled for energy and returned to the carbon dioxide sequestered in the forest.

This is an article from our magazine Trävärden, view it here! (Link)

Marie Johansson

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Marie Johansson


+46 10 516 62 51

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