Sara Renström
Senior Forskare

Sara is intrigued by the interplay between people and artefacts - material as well as immaterial artefacts, digital as well as non-digital. With insights into this interplay, artefacts can be designed that better support sustainability in everyday life. Sara has been designing for a more sustainable everyday life in relation to different areas, for example domestic energy and circular economy/consumption.
During spring 2019 Sara defended her PhD thesis entitled "Participating in Energy Systems through Everyday Designs - Exploring roles for households in a more sustainable energy future".
Sara has a MSc in in Industrial Design Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology/Delft University of Technology and a PhD in Human - Technology - Design completed at the division Design & Human Factors at Chalmers University of Technology
- User-centered circular value propositions – approaches in practice and research
- Opportunities for engaging users in codesign of circular offers through games
- Towards Regenerative Product And Service Design: Framing Mindsets And Opportuni…
- Nog!?
- Nog?!
- How can games aid co-design of user-centered circular offerings?
- Den cirkulära bilen (förstudie)
- Effektiv minskning av vattenanvändning i hushåll
- Shifts in the smart research agenda? : 100 priority questions to accelerate sus…
- Sustainability through everyday designs