Testbed Digitalized Agriculture
Connected fields, self-driving electric farming machinery and advanced systems for data analysis shall contribute to a fossil-free, more sustainable and profitable agriculture. In close cooperation with our partners, RISE runs a test bed for digitized agriculture.
In the testbed, companies and researchers can develop new technology, new applications, system solutions or completely data-driven innovations that can help agriculture to become more sustainable, climate-smart and profitable through the development of:
- Sensors, connection, data management and data analysis.
- User-friendly decision support systems, which are based on collected quality-assured data.
- Autonomous electric, small machines and new cultivation systems.
The testbed offers the possibility to work with individual sensors and systems, as well as with data and sensors in a relevant context with all other information needed to describe the cultivation. There is also the opportunity to work with the testbed's collected data to develop overall analyzes based on several data sources.
After development and evaluation in the test bed, the technology can be successively scaled up and tested in real agriculture. A reference groups with farmers are linked to the testbed to assist with testing of new products and solutions.
Unique environment for innovation
The limited area in the testbed means that considerably more sensors and data points can be collected per unit area than on a farm. In the testbed many different types of sensors and data sources can be combined in the same place. Data is collected in a quality-assured manner, which can be difficult on a farm. In the testbed, researchers and companies get access to:
- Connected fields with different crops.
- Infrastructure and capacity for collecting, managing and analyzing large amounts of data.
- Access to collected data on cultivation.
- Reference groups with farmers and specialists.
- Expertise in agriculture and technology.
The testbed contains the competence, the network and the data needed to develop new technology for agriculture. Here, researchers and companies can develop tools for tomorrow's farmers, that will enable them to make better and faster environmentally adapted and profitable decisions, with the support of the technologies that digitization provides.
Test & Demo name
Testbeds in real life (TR)
Automotive and transport, Energy and Clean Tech, ICT and Telecom, Food and agriculture
Automated vehicles, Digitalisation, Energy, Fossil free fuels, Internet of Things, Agriculture, Food
Region Uppsala