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Surface Analysis and Surface Design

The Surface Analysis and Surface Design test bed includes laboratories equipped for characterization and optimization of surfaces and surface interactions. We, at RISE, offer complete solutions to support our customer through the entire technological process. Using our broad expertise and a world-leading infrastructure we can help our customers from product idea to market. We can assist all the way in the development process, especially when specific challenges arise, for example to legal requirements or environmental issues.

Examples of areas are:

  • Production and characterization and of nano and micro materials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes and beads. We work on optimization of the nanoparticle dispersion and stabilization. We also develop functional coatings and inks based on nanoparticles. In these areas we have also have expertise in nanosafety research.
  • Modification of surfaces where we can customize particle properties such as repulsion, adhesion, friction, lubrication or charging for applications such as dirt repellency, bonding, powder flow, rolling, fiber processes, medical technology and swallowing.
  • Treatment of surfaces, for instance in areas such as cleaning/washing, painting, polishing or anti-ice treatment.
  • Customer optimization effects, for example in life science where we not only characterize the surfaces using lab instrumentation, but through human panel studies linked to verified models and advanced statistical analysis we can correlate surface analysis data to consumers' experiences.

Our capabilities include technical experts, researchers and professors in surface chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and psychophysics and our well-equipped labs feature advanced equipment for chemical, physical, psychophysical and mechanical characterization of surfaces.

Examples include:

  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), a highly surface sensitive method with straightforward quantification of the surface chemistry at the top 2-10 nanometer of a sample.
  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with modules for characterizing micro/nano-mechanics, charging and friction in a wide range of temperatures, various atmospheres and liquids, as well as micromanipulation equipment for the functionalization of cantilevers with colloidal probes or fibers.
  • Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) with energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) where we can characterize surface structures and do elemental analysis at a wide range of temperatures and humidity.
  • Confocal Raman microscopy where we can make chemical maps of the surface, but also in-depth profile.
  • Laser Diffraction (LD) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) for measuring particle size distribution of particles in powder form or dispersed in liquid, emulsions, liposomes or similar.
  • Contact angle measurements with high-speed camera and picolitre systems that, in addition to measuring static and dynamic contact angles, also enable e.g. measuring on absorbent, repellant or omniphobic surfaces.
  • Infrared Refection Absorption Spectroscopy – IRAS, and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy/Attenuated Total Reflection – FTIR-ATR able to give information about the chemical functional groups of the materials.

Our services:

Utbildningsfilm: Hitta säkrare alternativ till farliga kemikalier (in Swedish)


Test & Demo name

Surface Analysis and Surface Design




Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Automotive and transport, Energy and Clean Tech, Health and Life Sciences, Food and agriculture, Manufacturing, Materials, Mining and metal, Process industry, Pulp, paper and packaging, Other


Batteries, Bioeconomy, Construction, Cement and concrete, Circular transition, Digitalisation, Electronics, Energy, Formulated products, Fossil free fuels, Packaging, Infection control, Infrastructure, Calibration, Chemical processes and products, Life cycle analysis, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Lightweight solutions, Maritime, Pulp and paper, Material transition, Generic metrology and measurement technology, Mobility, New therapies, Perception, Preventive healthcare, Production and manufacturing, Product safety, Risk and safety, Built environment, Textile, Wood technology, Surface technology


Region Kronoberg, Region Stockholm, Västra Götaland Region

Viveca Wallqvist

Contact person

Viveca Wallqvist

Senior Forskare

+46 10 516 60 76

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Mikael Kjellin

Contact person

Mikael Kjellin

Teknologie doktor

+46 10 516 60 56

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