Printed & Organic Electronics, Introduction & Basic Course
We offer a basic course in Printed and Organic Electronics (P&OE). The course includes lectures, tours and presentations of demonstrators. The training aims to enable participants to help their organizations take the next step in terms of design and integration of P&OE.
Digitization is transforming our entire society. This course provides an overview of P&OE and how P&OE relates to digitization. You will get a better overview of the area and insight into design and production techniques that can enable exchange or complement to traditional electronics.
The course is organized as half a day and is taught on site at Printed Electronics Arena (PEA) in Norrköping. The course is aimed for decision-makers and developers without or with limited knowledge in P&OE. The course is expected to have participants from several different companies and organizations, which also gives you the opportunity to expand your network.
The course is organized as a half-day training between 10: 00-15: 00 including lunch. The course is supervised and carried out by our talented employees in printed and organic electronics together with partners.
The course consists of four parts:
What is Printed and Organic Electronics? How does P&OE relate to digitization? How and what techniques are there for P&OE?
The human and PE
P&OE is becoming an increasingly common part of services and products with new materials and innovative solutions. How can we make everyday life easier for people by interacting with products and services where P&OE is a part.
When to use P&OE and what are the products of the future? How to design products/services where P&OE is part of the solution?
Greener electronics, sustainable products
How can we make electronics greener and what part has P&OE in that.
Target group
Decision makers and developers without or with limited knowledge in P&OE.
Educational opportunities
The training takes place continuously. Number of participants per training session approx. 8 people. We also reserve the right to cancel training sessions if the number of participants is less than 3 people.
Printed Electronics Arena (PEA), Bredgatan 33, 602 21 NORRKÖPING
SEK 8000 per person
Learning objectives
After completing the course, the participant should be able to:
• Describe what P&OE are and how it fit into different contexts
• Describe common manufacturing methods for P&OE and analyze when they are useful and what is required to use them
• Describe how a hybrid solution with P&OE can be designed
• Describe suitable areas of use for P&OE and analyze when P&OE can be used in applications
• Reflect on how P&OE can be used in your own organization and what it requires to succeed