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Certified to LAST

Sustainable and circular product lifetime

Do you want to ensure that the products your company puts on the market last a long time and contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy? We give you knowledge and tools for how to create a clear picture of how long a product lasts and how to map the weaknesses and risks that can affect the lifespan.

Content of education

RISE offers training in the Certified to LAST concept, where we go through in detail how products are mapped with regard to both strengths and weaknesses in terms of the product's lifespan, robustness, circularity and sustainability. With the RISE LAST canvas, you systematically map out what is required to be able to promise a specific product lifespan and make it clear how the risks can be minimized because products stop working or stop being used. By correctly applying the RISE LAST methodology and canvas, the result will also be able to serve as a basis for various types of verification of statements about the product's sustainable life.

What we offer

The offer includes training in the implementation of systematic LAST-canvas product mapping, as well as an overview of how Certified to LAST product categories will be built and what type of documentation is required for a Certified to LAST certificate.

*LAST stands for Long life design, Accessible affordable spare parts, Sustainability och Transparency

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Raul Carlsson

Contact person

Raul Carlsson

Senior forskare

+46 10 228 49 05

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Contact person

Tatiana Nevzorova


+46 10 516 67 04

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