Contact person
Johan Fagerlönn
Senior Researcher
Contact JohanCognitive ergonomics is about adapting technical systems to human abilities and limitations. This is becoming increasingly important as the digitalisation in society and in our workplaces increases. Better customized solutions can enhance the user experience, improve work performance and create a more healthy and safe environment.
The challenge in cognitive ergonomics lies in finding user interfaces that are well adapted to a person's ability to handle information (eg seeing, hearing, come to conclusions and making decisions). Digitalization and technological development often mean that people can access more information. But the important thing is that the user gets relevant information, and that the information is presented appropriately. Otherwise, the risk is that, for example, users become distracted or work performance becomes suffering. In a workplace, it can lead to safety problems, stress, reduced productivity, machine wear, etc. By applying new techniques and methods for interaction design such as VR, AR and sound design it is possible to find new exciting future solutions.
We also see that many user environments, as well as the role of humans in these environments, are radically changing. This is especially true in areas where automation and AI are applied. An example is automated vehicles where the driver is given an increasingly passive and monitoring role. This means that the interaction between human and technology needs to be re-designed.
RISE can offer support and services in cognitive ergonomics in all parts of the innovation process. Since the subject can be applied in all parts of society where digitalisation and interaction is relevant, we see no restrictions in terms of industries. In the initial parts of the process we can offer inspirational lectures and workshops for idea generation. Here we can also assist with expert evaluation of existing interaction design solutions. Furthermore, we can develop design concepts and prototypes, preferably in collaboration with end users. Finally, we have a long experience of user testing, both in simulated and real user environments.