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Integrate ecosystem services in spatial planning and built environment

By utilizing and recreating the processes that exist in nature, ecosystem services can be delivered, which generate benefits for society. RISE can support your organization in working cross-border and innovatively to achieve results.

Flow equalization, temperature control, air purification, biodiversity, recreation - there are many examples of how nature can generate socially beneficial forms of ecosystem services. Nature-based solutions such as open stormwater facilities, landscaped wetlands, restored watercourses or why not trees and urban meadows, have in recent years had an increasing impact within the field of built environment. But working effectively with ecosystem services as an integrated part of spatial planning can be difficult. Nature-based solutions are often located in a borderland in terms of responsibility and ownership, functionality and technology areas. In addition, knowledge from different areas of expertise is often required to ensure that planning is based on correct starting points and that the intended benefits will become a reality: understanding of natural processes, technical properties of soil and vegetation, management and analysis of geodata, multidisciplinary processes, etc.

RISE supports municipalities and real estate actors who want to develop their capacity to integrate ecosystem services in spatial planning and construction from a holistic perspective, with a scientific basis.


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