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Energy efficient farming

Food production consumes large amounts of energy. There are incitements both climate and economic, to work for efficient processes that reduce the need for energy.


Foodproduction consumes large amounts of energy. Primary production is highly dependent on electricity, diesel, mineral fertilizers, firewood, plastics and many other forms of indirect energy. Much of this energy is of fossil origin. Therefore, there are strong both climate and economic reasons to work for efficient processes that reduce the need for energy.

Examples of actions to do

The first step in an energy efficiency work is usually to get to know your own business. This can be done by going through data and figures and conducting an energy survey, then it is also possible to set production in relation to consumption. That is, finding adequate ratio for the business that makes it possible to compare yourself between different years as well as against similar businesses. Increasing energy consumption need not be wrong if it also means an upturn in production. However, a slowly rising energy consumption without a corresponding increase in production is an alarmclock that something is wrong.

When it comes to lowering dependence on fossil energy, there are a variety of ways to go. It is very important what kind of business you have and what types of machines you use today. It is hardly possible to name a business as completely fossil-free as there are so many dependencies in several steps behind. However, it is possible to make very big steps in direction towards fossilfree, if you know your business and know where the efforts are most useful.

RISE offer:

RISE can offer guidance in energy efficiency and energy conversion. It can be done out at  an individual farm or in a group. The work focuses on your farm working,  in a process of data collection and changes based on the specific conditions of the farm.

RISE also offers energy mapping. Here we can work on ambition levels based on the needs of the farm. It can be done as an guide to your own work or as regular farm inspections.

RISE offers training in economical driving, tailored to the specific requirements of agriculture.

More information


Those who want to improve their energy efficiency can find very interesting facts in a report prepared by LRF, The Federation of Swedish Farmers  (Lars Neuman) on behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. It is very informative with different chapter connected to certain business area

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Ola Pettersson

Contact person

Ola Pettersson

Senior projektledare

+46 10 516 69 47

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