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Fire and rescue service

RISE has a long tradition of cooperating with fire and rescue services in different research projects. RISE intends to be the one links rescue services, researchers and companies who provide new technology as well as being the obvious partner for authorities, services, researchers and companies concerning issues related to rescue service.

As society becomes more complex there is an increasing need for new technologies, strategies, and methodologies for ensuring the safe handling of accidents. Fire and rescue services are expected to work synergistically with the preventative measures and emergency preparation work of society at large.

Development of new rescue techniques

The Fire and Rescue services are facing new organisational and resource challenges as well, in both urban and rural environments. Due to these changes, new technologies and improved working methods become increasingly important. To face these challenges, rescue services need to identify and implement technological innovations, develop new methods and processes, and follow other societal development in their own and adjacent areas of operations.

Technique, tactics and methods for a better rescue service

The goal of RISE is to be a leading innovation partner that creates valuable and useful solutions and supports sustainable development for society and the business community by contributing with expertise and resources throughout the innovation process.

Ongoing projects

Onging projects related to fire and rescue service:

  • Testbed PFAS
  • Electrical vehicle in underground constructions
  • Adapted Situation AwareneSS tools and taIlored training scenarios for increaSing capabiliTies and enhANcing the proteCtion of First RespondErs – ASSISTANCE (


Contact person

Ola Folkesson


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FIRE21 - Problem solving in the 21st century

How are the operations of the Fire and Rescue Services effected by the organisation's formal and informal networks? The goal of the project FIRE21 is to understand and improve problem-solving in the fire services in the 21st …

Vehicle Fire

A car or vehicle fire is a serious event that damages vehicles, people, surrounding property, and the environment. Preventive measures based on fire testing and research can reduce the risk of fires in cars, electric cars, and oth…

TUSC - Tunnel and Underground Safety Center

TUSC research platform for underground constructions has a unique competence in the area of fire, risk and safety. TUSC stakeholders aim to make future tunnels, mines and rock chambers safer.

Testbed PFAS

RISE is coordinating a collaboration research project, Testbed PFAS, together with the Swedish Defence Sector. The project evaluates remediation of PFAS from ground and water, and alternative PFAS-free fire extinguishing agents a…

Fire safety

Every year, many people are injured or killed in fires. Fires also incur billions in material costs. Preventing, containing and extinguishing fires saves money, the environment and, above all, saves lives. RISE has one of the lar…
Test & demo

Large Fire Test Hall

One of the largest large scale fire test halls in Europe. Modern smoke and water cleaning systems fulfill high environmentally sustainable requirements.
Test & demo

Large fire test hall

The test facility has got an extendable roof and is one of the biggest of its kind.The building is built especially for big fire tests and is equipped in a unique way.