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Fire safety in furniture and furnishings

Fire safety for furniture and furnishings involves testing, evaluating, and ensuring that adequate fire requirements are fulfilled. RISE evaluates furniture and furnishings´ fire properties to achieve safer products in both domestic and public environments.

Which products are included in furniture and furnishings?

Furniture and furnishings are items that can be moved or removed without the need for special tools. Examples include sofas, armchairs, mattresses, acoustic screens, and curtains. 

How is the fire safety of furniture and furnishings controlled?

The fire safety of furniture and furnishings is controlled by regulations and market requirements. These refer to different fire standards, which can differ from market to market. For example, the requirements are different in Sweden compared to the rest of Europe, the UK (with the most stringent fire safety requirements for furniture and furnishings in Europe), and the US. Fire requirements may even differ from each other for the exact same product, depending on whether its intended use is domestic or public.  

Risks of fire in furniture and furnishings

Soft furniture, such as upholstered sofas and beds, are often made of highly flammable materials, which contain a lot of energy. This is a hazardous combination that can lead to rapid and intense fires with a lot of smoke production. It is, therefore, important to evaluate the fire behaviour of these products and to adapt the requirements to the premises where the product will be used. In countries such as the UK, this is governed by a clear regulatory framework, while in Sweden it is almost exclusively governed by market requirements. 

RISE tests and evaluates the fire safety of furniture and furnishings

RISE has vast experience in fire testing and evaluation of fire safety of furniture and furnishings. We participate in several research projects in the field, aiming to create the right conditions for more safe and sustainable products. We are also available for direct testing assignments initiated by customers. 

How we test and evaluate the fire safety of furniture and furnishings

In testing, we usually examine the flammability of different materials or a finished product. This can be done in different ways and with different types of ignition sources, such as a glowing cigarette, different sizes of gas flames, or wooden cribs. Once the test is conducted, we evaluate whether the product or material fulfils the requirements. We can also examine properties such as smoke production and heat release. This is usually done with methods involving larger ignition sources than in flammability testing.

Fire safety of furniture and furnishings - shipping, railway and vehicles

There are specific industry requirements for furniture and furnishings in areas such as shipping, railway and automotive. You can read more about them on their websites:

* fire requirements for products on ships
* fire safety for vehicles 
* fire safety in railway vehicles

Do you want to know more about fire safety in furniture and furnishings? Feel free to contact us!

Anna Bergstrand

Contact person

Anna Bergstrand


+46 10 516 58 54

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