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Using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for assessing emissions

Mapping greenhouse gas emissions and identifying potentials for improvement are important aspects of a company's sustainability work.

Calculating, setting targets, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is becoming increasingly important for companies as sustainability requirements increase from both society and customers. However, assessing a business's climate impact can be complicated as emissions are generated both in one's own operations, in the supply chain, and when products and services are being used by customers or consumers.

To help, greenhouse gas protocol provides the world's most widely used standards for calculating and reporting companies' greenhouse gas emissions. By dividing emissions into three distinct scopes, it becomes clear which emissions are direct, over which the business has direct control, and indirect, which occur outside the boundaries of the organization.

Scope 1 includes the direct emissions of the business from sources owned or controlled by the company. Examples are own factories/plants, refrigerant leaks, company cars, and own equipment

Scope 2 consists of indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling.

Scope 3 covers all the emissions generated by the business in its value chain, both upstream and downstream of the organization's boundaries. These emissions are divided into 15 categories, including the climate impact of purchased goods or services, and emissions generated when a product is being used by a customer or consumer.

Performing a greenhouse gas emission mapping in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol has several advantages. It gives a clear picture of the current situation, and creates a basis for decision-making to set the right priorities, set relevant climate goals and develop effective action plans. Examples of other benefits include:

  • Identifies existing risks and opportunities to reduce emissions
  • Provides insight of magnitude and thus which measures have the best effect
  • Laying the foundations for an effective climate strategy
  • Requirement for participation in many programmes and organisations, such as SBTi and ICLEI
  • The results can be used for reporting, e.g. to CDP or GRI
  • Provides a basis for communication and brand building
  • Enables benchmarking against other companies and organizations
  • Requirements if you want to participate in Carbon Markets
  • Increased credibility

Do you need help?

Within RISE, we have extensive experience in assessing climate impact in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and we can support companies at all stages in the process of developing an effective climate strategy: mapping, reduction potential calculation, emission scenarios, goals and action plans. Contact us and we will tailor an arrangement that suits your company!

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Maria Hellström

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Maria Hellström


+46 10 516 66 30

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