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Life cycle assessment of buildings and building components

At RISE we have long experience about the building as a system, constructions and building products as well as life cycle assessment (LCA), and can provide guidance, education and investigations regarding LCA of buildings and building components.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful tool for assessing the environmental impact of a product or (production) process (or service) from a holistic perspective. By studying the entire life cycle, the risk that an improvement measure will lead to emissions moving from one part of the system or life cycle to another part is counteracted.

In order to carry out an LCA of a product or process, knowledge is needed about how a life cycle analysis should be carried out, but also how the technical system around the product or process works. At RISE we have long experience about the building as a system, constructions and building products. This we can combine with an extensive knowledge about LCA.

To perform an lCA of a building, part of a building or to compare different design options is complicated, as it is necessary to understand both the LCA-methodology and the building as a system. At RISE we can provide guidance, education and investigations in such studies.

Are you interested in other LCA related tools? At RISE, we also offer other LCA-related tools: Environmental Declarations (EPDs), Climate Declarations (Carbon Footpint), and Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA).

Birgit Brunklaus

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Birgit Brunklaus


+46 10 516 59 93

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Peter Ylmén

Contact person

Peter Ylmén

Teknologie doktor

+46 10 516 51 51

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