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Mechanical testing of plastics, thermoplastic composites and polymers

Mechanical properties of plastics are crucial to the function of the material in different applications. The properties will show if the choice of material, composition and parameters during processing have been successful. Testing of mechanical properties is an important part of the development and quality control for many of our customers.

What does the results mean?

Testing of mechanical properties of plastics are often done according to a specific standard that will guarantee the quality of the measurements. However,  it is necessary to understand the connection between process parameters and results, or materials composition and results in order to develop a material, or solve problems when the results deviate from normal. We help our customers interpret the results and suggest the next step through our knowledge and experience of various plastics and processes.


Which tests are most relevant a specific applicaion? What does the results actually mean or what other test is necessary to perform in order to solve a production problem? These questions are some examples of issues that we address together by analysing results and putting them in context.

Testing and properties

measurement of E-modulus, tensile strength, yield and elongation is made in our universal testing machine from MTS. Measurements according to standard SS-EN-ISO 527 is performed on at least 5 specimens in order to achieve a good accuracy. Sometimes it is also interesting to measure bending strength, which is done according to ISO 178.

Impact strength is measured on at least 10 specimens and we follow the standard ISO 17p which is called Charpy. The test specimens can be notched or unnotched and the measurements can be performed with the test material being stored at different temperatures. We also measure density of plastics an follow the standard ISO 1183.

Sometimes, there is a need to develop a test for a specific application when existing tests don't give correct results. The method we follow to measure impact by a falling object was developed since no existing method would reveal the properties  of deformation and cracking when the detail was hit by something heavy. This mtest is performed on injection molded plates. Tranparency is another property that can be measured on injection molded plates and it's made according to ASTM 1003.

Cooperate with us

We perform many tests according to standards as an independent partner but we also develop methods and customize them when needed. We use our exeriences from research and development projects to help our customers solve problems and answer questions.

More information

ISO 291 Plast – Standard atmosphere at conditioning and testing 

SS-EN ISO 527 Plastics -determination of tensile strength

ISO 179 Plastics-determination of Charpy impact properties

ISO 178  Plastics-determination of flexural properties

ISO 1183 method A Plastics -methods for determining the density of non -cellular plastics

ASTM D1003 Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics

Falling object impact - similar to ASTM D 5420

Johan Landberg

Contact person

Johan Landberg

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 47 81

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Contact person

Jörgen Romild

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 53 03

Read more about Jörgen

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