Contact person
Sixten Dahlbom
Contact SixtenThe microcalorimeter can be used to study heat released or consumed by any slow reaction under constant conditions. The method can after only hours or days detect degradation of a material, something that otherwise would have taken months or even longer to identify.
Using the two microcalorimeters at RISE, experiments can be desgined so that the effect of temperature, moist or oxygen can be studied. It is also possible to analyse the gases in the sample ampoule, something that often adds further knowledge.
The fields of application are many and new areas are still established. Our major experience is in the field of self-heating. The microcalorimeter is used to investigate heat production in a material. The result can be used to determine kinetic parameters and to investigate the risk of self-heating and fire in a storage.
RISE has two microcalorimeters; TAM Air and TAM III. The amount of sample needed is often a few grams and needs to fit in a 20 och 125 ml ampoule. The method produces time resolved results. Except from the readings, RISE also offers the possibility to understand and make conclusions based on the results.
RISE has a large competens in the field of fuel storage safety; RISE has contributed to the development of the two test standards ISO 20049-1:2020 (Solid biofuels - Determination of self-heating of pelletized biofuels) and ISO 21911-1:2022 (Solid recovered fuels - Determination of self-heating).