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Sustainable composite manufacturing - Process Development

At the test bed for sustainable composite manufacturing, we can test and verify a planned or existing process for manufacturing composites. Does it work? Is it scalable? Is it energy-efficient? 

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We help you with design and dimensioning of product, tool and process and investigate manufacturing possibilities and methodologies.

Matching material properties to geometry and choice of manufacturing process goes hand in hand for a product made of composite material. It is an important part for obtaining a desired product in the end.

Here our simulation tools come in handy to digitally verify manufacturing process and tool. It becomes both easier and cheaper to make adjustments in a digital model. You save time and money, as well as lower your risk.

Your ideas are safe with us

We protect your ideas by signing an NDA and you will own the IPR at the end of an assignment. We are a neutral collaboration partner where you can safely develop composite solutions together with your customers, material suppliers, financiers and research actors.

Common customer queries around process development


Tailored support or single services

We help both startups, small and medium-sized suppliers, and OEM manufacturers in several application areas - from airplanes, vehicles and boats to wind turbines and sports equipment.

We provide single-point services such as process simulation, dimensioning of fiber composites, design, fiber patch, pressing, forming, winding, prototype manufacturing, trimming of tools, scaling up, joining, trimming and post-processing. We also perform LCA and LCC analyses and provide digitization support

We also offer more long-term, tailor-made composite development support solutions. Contact us for a free needs analysis.



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Key advantages of getting help in the process development phase

  • You get help to predict the mechanical properties of the component before it goes into production. 
  • You get help to predict the shape of the component which can be used for tool compensation at an early stage. 
  • You are offered the opportunity for virtual manufacturing which minimizes the need for full-scale testing with a lower cost / lower risk as a result.




David Engberg
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