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Protection and security within total defence

Protection and security are important parameters in total defence and crisis preparedness.

RISE protection and security within total defence

Protection and security in total defence include several areas and activities important to society. The field of activity contains research and development as well as verification, testing and certification.

RISE performs testing of products and components

RISE supports society and business to make Sweden safer. Examples of areas where we can contribute are, for example, when testing protective products and protective components. With the help of RISE testing facilities, products that are important for total defence can be tested, certified and verified.

We conduct research in the field of protection and security

RISE participates in research and development collaborations in the field of fortification. We also conduct research on the protection of critical infrastructure, as well as in research on rescue operations both above and below ground.

Research strengthens society's ability

The goal is to protect the civilian population and ensure important societal functions. In other words, the objective of our research and development is to strengthen the ability of our society. By carrying out research efforts in collaboration with key players, society's ability in the field of protection and security will be strengthened.

Mia Kumm (BR)

Contact person

Mia Kumm (BR)


+46 10 516 54 19

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