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Software Engineering and Testing

Software is the key enabler for digitalization in industry and society. RISE offers expertise to build high quality software systems.

Software has become a big part of the business model of many industries. We see that companies that were originally not software companies have huge software departments nowadays. On the other hand, software engineering lies at the core of all digitalization activities. Without appropriate software engineering methods and tools to produce quality software products, digitalization is essentially impossible and meaningless. In this context, one major challenge is how to ensure the quality of software products and digitalized services which customers and the society in general rely on. Therefore, there is a constant need to come up with better software design methods to build better software products and cope with their ever-increasing complexity; and at the same time also have better software testing, verification and validation solutions to ensure their quality. 

At RISE, we have a group of experts and researchers with expansive experience and solid skillsets in the area of Software Engineering and Testing. At the high level, the activities of the group are prioritized in the following areas:

  • Fast prototyping to enable quick feedbacks on new business models and facilitating the adoption of novel technologies 

  • Automation and optimization in the development process to shorten the time-to-market, reduce human errors, and cope with the ever-increasing complexity and scalability of software-intensive systems 

  • Appropriate verification and validation solutions to evaluate and ensure quality characteristics of industrial software systems such as performance, safety, security, energy usage, and so on.  

In particular, over the years we have had a successful track record of running related projects in collaboration with our industrial as well as academic partners on topics such as: automated analysis and processing of textual requirements using Natural Language Processing, automated re-use recommendation and software product line engineering, verification and validation of AI-based and evolving systems, model-based design and analysis of complex cyber-physical systems, testing of variant-intensive industrial systems, automated test and failure report analysis, intelligent performance analysis and anomaly detection, regression testing and test prioritization and selection, design and analysis of resource-constrained embedded systems, empirical studies and also human aspects of software, etc. - to name a few.

Mehrdad Saadatmand

Contact person

Mehrdad Saadatmand

Senior Researcher

+46 72 569 59 56

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