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RISE contribution to digital transformation in municipal care

We always start the contact with a current situation and needs analysis in order to arrive at your challenges and needs together. RISE has both breadth and depth in research and expertise that contributes to digital transformation in municipal care. As a basis for projects and assignments, RISE offers experienced project managers and change manage

RISE has collected research and competence support in the following areas:

Innovation work and ability to renew

RISE offers competence, tools and working methods for an effective development and innovation process in the public sector. We help you navigate between product innovation to system innovation and from service design to policies - regardless of whether it's about technology change or organizational development. Read more about how RISE can support you with:

Innovation and capacity to renew

System demonstrators

Lifelong learning


In order to develop the organization's ability to work with needs analysis, impact logic, follow-up and continuous learning, RISE offers the following expertise regardless of whether it concerns long-term strategy work or in the case of an introduction process of a new service or new ways of working.


Rigging for Impact

Socio-economic quantitaive modelling

Value in economic analyzes

Measuring for quality of life

Business and service development


RISE offers support in business development, which is about better leading, managing and developing the business, as well as using resources as efficiently as possible and for the development of new services within municipal care. Below you will see a selection of RISE offers linked to business and service development.

Skapa förutsättningar för att göra nytta/skillnad med IoT inom offentlig sektor

Design for societal transformation

Innovation management in collaborations

User experience and usability

Involving users in the design of digital services


A prerequisite for successful implementations in healthcare is not only good project management, but a solid needs analysis and ongoing change management and communication. RISE offers competence and evidence-based methods when the municipality plans an implementation of new working methods and digital services, during the entire process or during specific point efforts.

Change management


Competence development

New technology, new ways of working and managing change require new skills from our employees. RISE can support you to develop competence in cutting-edge areas or support in competence adjustment or to create together with you a learning organization where all employees take an active part in their own learning. Read more about how RISE can help you with:

Lifelong learning

Develop expertise

More information

News coverage

Subscribe to the RISE newsletter aimed at municipalities, with a focus on news in the field of welfare technology in Sweden.

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