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Sustainable shipping

For RISE, sustainable shipping is about a more resource-efficient shipping industry. It is also about the transition from traditional fuels to the sustainable fuels of the future. RISE wants to contribute to the development of shipping in all three areas of sustainability: ecological, economic and social.

The two key issues

Through our expertise in sustainable shipping, RISE want to help substitute energy carriers in favour of alternative renewable fuels. We have identified two key issues to consider in order to implement this transition:

  1. How can we make our ships more energy efficient?
  2. What types of fuel should we choose?

Alternative fuels often have different chemical properties than conventional fuels (e.g. lower energy density). The alternative fuels are also bulkier and often have a higher price picture than the fossil predecessors. This makes energy effectiveness a central question in the transition.

A first step towards a shift in fuel therefore is to understand today´s energy usage and how to optimize it. At the same time both the quality and the scope of the ship's operations must be maintained.

This is where RISE comes into the picture. We help to map, analyze and guide you towards a sustainable business, based on your vessel's conditions.

RISE expertise in sustainable shipping

RISE has a comprehensive expertise in sustainable shipping. Some of our skills are:

  • Simulation for on-board energy system optimization
  • Technical and economic analyses of fuel alternatives
  • Knowledge of policies, laws, and regulations
  • Safety on board, particularly in consideration of fire and explosion
  • Life cycle assessments

Individual governance conditions

At RISE we know that no two ships are the same. Each vessel is its own individual with unique conditions in terms of everything from the ship's construction to its route. The fuel that suits one ship does not automatically work as well for another. We therefore always start from your individual circumstances. With this approach we get a relevant decision basis adapted to your situation where the goal is to find your optimal solution.

You get access to our network

When you collaborate with RISE, you get access to our extensive network in sustainable shipping. We have been working with several universities and authorities for a long time. Naturally, we have a good relationship with the marine technology industry and its subcontractors. The Swedish Marine Technology Forum network and the innovation platform SARGASSO are close partners, just to mention a few. RISE is also part of the EU's research and innovation platform Waterborne.

Cooperation is an important component for sustainable shipping. We believe in branching out within sustainability issues and attach great importance to making contacts. As a fact, we look forward to guiding you further or to connect you with the right people.

We develop a solid basis for decision-making

Sustainable shipping at RISE compiles a solid decision-making basis for your company, regardless of it being an installation or a procurement. Through our expertise, knowledge and experience, we provide guidance in the supply of alternative fuels. It is not uncommon that this initial mapping develops into an enhanced cooperation in the form of a project or feasibility study.

You are most welcome to contact RISE for guidance on sustainable shipping. We look forward to analyzing your specific situation.

We don't choose sides

What is unique about RISE is that we are an independent and objective partner. We don't choose sides for one fuel or another. Nor for one supplier or another. Our only preference is that the future of shipping shall be sustainable.

What is needed for sustainable shipping

RISE looks at sustainable shipping from three perspectives; ecologically, economically and socially. The ecological part is based on each vessel's individual conditions. But in order for shipping to be sustainable over time, there must also be an adequate business model. A model that makes the transition economically sustainable in the long run.

Finally, we study the social perspective, which involves social acceptance when installing and handling alternative fuels. In other words, it means that those who work with and are in the vicinity of the new fuel must feel safe.

When the ecological, economic and social aspects are in place, the right conditions are in place for the future of shipping. A sustainable shipping.


Contact person

Andreas Bach


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