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The National Laboratory for Temperature

RISE is Sweden's NMI (National Metrology Institute) and, according to the Swedish constitution, is responsible for the central measurement quantities in the International System of Units, SI.

The National Laboratory for Temperature has the country's widest and most accurate resources for measurements and calibrations within the temperature range. We work continuously to develop and bring out measurement methods in order to meet the industry's need for traceability with the measurement uncertainty that different applications require. This is done both within national and international research projects, often in collaboration with other organizations and stakeholders.

Due to practical difficulties in realizing the thermodynamic temperature scale, a more practically useful scale, the international temperature scale (ITS-90) has been established internationally, which, with a series of specified fixed points, available reference thermometers and calculation methods as accurate as possible that adhere to the thermodynamic scale. All temperature measurements and calibrations are thus normally made against ITS-90.

We have the opportunity to assist with metrology expertise in the temperature range, whether it concerns investigations on different types of measurement needs, issues relating to the quality of measurements or educational needs in measurement and measurement uncertainty analysis.

Magnus Holmsten

Contact person

Magnus Holmsten


+46 10 516 56 82

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