Katarina Malaga
Chef Strategisk forskning och affärsutveckling
Contact KatarinaInfrastructure is necessary for society to function. The term covers both visible infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and railways, and concealed infrastructure, such as fibre cabling, gas pipelines, water and sanitation systems and district heating.
In the field of integrated infrastructure, RISE is focusing on the need for smart, integrated solutions in existing urban environments in order to consolidate the monitoring and maintenance of energy, water and sanitation, and fibre. This enables infrastructural systems to better benefit from one another, save energy and reduce the risk of downtime. RISE also focuses on asset management, which entails making sure that the system’s assets, such as a bridge, produce the greatest possible benefits by means of an integrated approach to the financial, environmental and social aspects, as well as to risks, quality and performance. We develop methods and procedures for the efficient management of infrastructure, especially for roads and water and sanitation.