Contact person
Elisabeth Olsson
Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör
Contact ElisabethThe Swedish Chemicals Group provides current insights on chemical and environmental issues to textile and electronics industry members. A membership offers access to external monitoring, networks, practical tools, early notice on relevant legal updates, and news about chemicals found in articles and potential substitutes.
A membership in the Chemicals Group makes you better equipped to communicate relevant chemical requirements to your suppliers and to meet questions and demands from consumers and the media. We disseminate information in the chemicals field in an easily understandable way, so the information is useful in your daily work with chemicals in articles. Today the network consists of over 100 member companies divided into two subgroups:
A membership in the Chemicals Group gives you access to:
A membership in the Chemicals Group gives access to ChemicAll - the OECD's top-ranked chemical tool. Unlike many other chemical databases, you do not need to be a chemist or know the exact names of substances or under which CAS numbers they are registered. The chemical substances are instead sorted according to what function they bring to the product in question and in what materials and in which processes they can be used.
The Chemicals Group
The network is run and coordinated by RISE in collaboration with experts from universities and governmental bodies.
Want to join the Chemicals Group or know more? Please contact
46,900 SEK per calendar year (2025), gives you membership in one subgroup: the Chemicals Group Textile or the Chemicals Group EEE.
58,650 SEK per calendar year (2025), gives you membership in both subgroups: Chemicals Group Textile and Chemicals Group EEE.
Membership is automatically extended by one year if you do not announce exit before October 1 of the current year. Fees can be adjusted annually based on general cost increases.