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Network for plastic recycling

The Network for plastic recycling is a platform for knowledge dissemination and collaboration, a meeting place where industry, academia and authorities meet, exchange experiences, discuss challenges and opportunities.

As a member of the Network for plastic recycling, you keep up to date on news and ongoing initiatives, increase your knowledge of circular thinking, recycling, legislation and more. You will also get the opportunity to participate in pilot projects started up within the Testbed for recycling of plastics.

Network meetings and seminars

Twice a year, network meetings are organized. In conjunction with the meetings we often have a seminar or workshop activity.

External monitoring and competence development

As member of the network you get access to external monitoring and expertise such as

  • News on what’s going on; new initiatives, projects, project calls, events etc
  • New knowledge and results from projects performed
  • New technology and methods for sorting and recycling of plastics
  • Circular business models for plastics
  • Methods for measuring regulated substances in plastic waste streams
  • Sustainable materials
  • Ongoing standardization and certification of recycled plastics
  • Legislation and waste directives relating to recycling of plastics

Network facts


Network for plastic recycling

More information

The Network for plastic recycling is financed by members and Västra Götalandsregionen.


Contact us for more information and to become a member. See contact information below.

Processing of your personal data

Mattias Andersson

Contact person

Mattias Andersson


+46 10 228 48 13

Read more about Mattias

Contact Mattias
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