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Cover image Digital Impact North

Accelerator for Green and Digital Transition

The rapid technological and societal developments of today pose significant challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises and public institutions. To address this and assist organizations in Västerbotten and Norrbotten in harnessing benefits of digitalization more quickly, an accelerator for green and digital transition is being established.


Digital Impact North is a digital innovation hub established to contribute to northern Sweden becoming one of Europe's leading regions in IT, artificial intelligence, and digitalization, known for delivering and attracting through cross-border collaboration.

In collaboration with Umeå University, Region Västerbotten, Umeå Municipality, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), RISE is working to establish the region as an internationally strong area for the development of the future digital society, in partnership with businesses, municipalities, and research entities in northern Sweden.

Digital Impact North aims to create a region that, at the highest international level, generates knowledge, innovations, technology solutions, and growth companies, and attracts talent, businesses, financiers, and investors despite the increasingly competitive global environment. A region characterized by an internationally competitive IT sector, an innovative and expansive business community, strong research, leading educational institutions, and a growing number of stakeholders determined to make a difference in a world facing rapid and significant change.


Given that today's rapid technological and societal developments pose significant challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises and public institutions, Digital Impact North was granted funding by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) to establish an accelerator for green and digital transition.

As part of the project, services will be offered within the following categories:

Test and development

Being able to test and evaluate an idea early on accelerates the pace of innovation and development, reduces risks and costs, and can expedite market introduction. Through the project, organizations have the opportunity to utilize RISE's more than 130 test and demonstration environments to experiment with and develop digital concepts, products, and services.

Examples of these test environments for green and digital transition include, among others:

  • Lab for digital transformation,
  • ICE test och demo center,
  • UX Lab - High technology test environment for the evaluation of user experience,
  • Vigeo,
  • RISE GameNode - A virtual test- and demonstration environment for the gaming industry,
  • Cyber Range - testbed for cyber security
  • DigiCORE
  • Digitalization and Smart Cities

Coaching and support

The support is based on the specific steps that your company is currently taking in its digitalization journey. After the initial dialogue about your business, risks, opportunities, and needs, a action plan forward is proposed. For instance, this may involve RISE's digital experts serving as a sounding board for you during a series of coaching sessions that clarify the way forward.


RISE has a rich network of expertise, experience, and other companies that have also begun their transition journey to share with us. This work has been built up through Digital Impact North, previous projects, and close collaboration with other initiatives such as the Green Transition LeapViable Cities and Viable Business Hub.

Skill development

We offer training for digital transformation based on the latest research to future-proof your business, for example: Affärsdriven digitalisering för hållbar omställning.

The project is funded by the European Union. 


Project name

Digital Impact North




Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten

RISE role in project


Project start


3 years

Total budget

19 659 100 SEK


Umeå Universitet, Umeå kommun, Region Västerbotten, Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten, Uminova Innovation, Akademi Norr, Umeå Science Park, SLU


Tillväxtverket, Region Västerbotten

Project website

Project members

Kontakta mig för digitalt omställningsstöd
Conny Björnehall

Contact person

Conny Björnehall

Focus Area Leader Digitalization Public Sector

+46 10 228 43 02

Read more about Conny

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Oskar Riby

Contact person

Oskar Riby


Read more about Oskar

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Affärsdriven digitalisering för hållbar omställning

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Omställningslyftet future-proofs swedish industry

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Cyber Range

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UX Lab

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