Increased patient adaptability to mutually agreed prescriptions within the healthcare
The project aims to increase patients' adaptability to agreed prescriptions at the kidney clinic in Malmö. With various tools, we try to increase patients' understanding, participation, motivation, and self-esteem. The patient group is transplanted persons focusing on those patients who can manage a little bit more.
The general working model is a close iterative collaboration with the involved parties, staff, patients and relatives where the issue is, with what tools and to what extent an increased adaptability can be achieved. The work is progressed in small groups depending on the area and division of responsibilities.
In the project, we work with a simple model of needs based on, among other things, Sweden's Municipalities and Regions (SKR) patient groups and Sony's use-case model. In the model, the type of patients are identified and we analyse their needs and activities to understand what kind of support and tools they need and we are then able to make measurements and evaluations.
Behovskarta - personalteams och patienters önskemål och behov
öka överenskommen följsamhet på njurkliniken 2019-20.pdf (pdf, 283.3 KB)
Project name
RISE role in project
Projekt manager
Project start
3 years
Total budget
1 million SEK
SUS/Njurkliniken, Innovation Skåne, Sony, miThings, RISE